Guestbook Archive

Name: Katie Smith
Location: Cozad, NE USA
E-Mail: peaches_katie2004__AT(SPAMSTOP)__yahoo__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Hoppy's Site Of The Day
Comments: you are freikin weird
Date: Monday, November 25, 2002 at 09:20:47 (EST)

Name: tom
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 13:16:32 (EST)
Name: Anon
Location: Scotland, UK
Home Page:
Referred From:
Comments: Just thought i'd let you know. I picked your site to do a report on. Bad sites published on the WWW. Thankyou for your BAD site. So annoying. It's a pity I have to spend so much time on it researching all it's bad points and the few Good one's it has.
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 17:35:01 (EDT)
Name: Brian
Location: schenectady, ny USA
E-Mail: sunset_ripple__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Comments: well no wonder it 's so bad! it was made on a mac! haha im joking.I bet you know exactly what you're doing (with the bad design) and i gotta say it's a great way to score page hits!

im going to go create a page even worse than yours hahaaa
Date: Friday, October 25, 2002 at 13:14:49 (EDT)
Name: mythochondrie
Location: london, UK
E-Mail: none
Home Page:
Referred From: Yahoo Random Page
Comments: only one comment: this site is really a loss of time!!!
why did the webmaster give so many hours of his life to product such a thing...
Date: Friday, October 11, 2002 at 07:40:16 (EDT)
Name: some bloke
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: this site is ***
Date: Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 10:04:48 (EDT)
Name: Philip James Wallace
Location: London, UK
Home Page: Pip's Web Site!
Referred From:
Comments: This web site is verging on "Monty Python's Flying Circus" or "Q"/"The Goons" silly humour. Keep it up!
Date: Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 11:59:40 (EDT)
Name: Susan
Location: UK
E-Mail: tartansue__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: BBC Induction course made me visit.
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 10:11:47 (EDT)
Name: Mike
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: do your kids duck in your car when u are driving?
Date: Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 05:31:22 (EDT)
Name: your name
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From:
Comments: You know this is bad right
Date: Friday, September 06, 2002 at 12:20:45 (EDT)
Name: Ruthie
Location: melbourne, Fl USA
E-Mail: mamaruthie2002__AT(SPAMSTOP)__yahoo__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I'm in a web design class and you have been chosen as an example of a good web page even though we found you in "Web Pages that suck"
Date: Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 10:15:09 (EDT)
Name: Bob Dobbs
Location: Austin, Tx USA
E-Mail: bdobbs__AT(SPAMSTOP)__subgenius__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__org
Home Page:
Referred From: Gordo's Hole
Comments: The force is strong in this one...
Date: Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 12:12:04 (EDT)
Name: Becky Lewis
Location: Bristol, England
Home Page:
Referred From: Humour HK
Comments: AARGH! You really screw me, what's with the german music?? I think i fancy you, why do u have 2 have a wife and kids? Can you say hello 2 Benedict, cos i think he's lush. Ask him 2 e-mail me. Thanx, Love u forever, REbecca
Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 15:34:20 (EDT)
Name: 465
Location: 616511, 2 USA
E-Mail: 5465
Home Page: 64566
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Monday, August 19, 2002 at 05:57:05 (EDT)
Name: Rebecca Zbezinski
Location: Carnegie, PA USA
E-Mail: rebeccazbezinski__AT(SPAMSTOP)__attbi__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Nice to "see" you again, Dr. J. It's also nice to see that some things never change.

Rebecca Zbezinski
Date: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 21:19:12 (EDT)
Name: Joe Bankard
Location: New York City, NY USA
E-Mail: tx1139__AT(SPAMSTOP)__aol__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Jim -

Love your site! It is not stuffy like so many marketing sites are these days. Also,I just wanted to take this opportunity to say hello to an old friend, Damian Bagadonuts. Hi Damian. Ha Ha Ha.

Date: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 21:23:50 (EDT)
Name: Jim
Location: New York City, NY USA
E-Mail: bb9too__AT(SPAMSTOP)__aol__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Jim, Jim, Jim -

Do they know that you are missing. There is medication for this.

Date: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 21:09:36 (EDT)
Name: Jack Hanan
Location: Cleveland, OH USA
E-Mail: jahan01__AT(SPAMSTOP)__msn__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 23:45:07 (EDT)
Name: Ben Draper
Location: Bristol/Bath, England
E-Mail: draporeon__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: K. Ohta's Home
Comments: Yah man-I loved it. Me and my girlfriend spend most of our time (When we are not occupied) surfing the web, and thought your Website is quality. Thanx again, screw the crappy people who think it's pants. Benedict
Date: Monday, July 22, 2002 at 09:38:44 (EDT)
Name: ashley taylor
Location: spring, TX USA
E-Mail: n/a
Home Page: n/a
Referred From:
Date: Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 21:07:21 (EDT)
Name: Luke Hardin
Location: Bristol, England
E-Mail: coolhands87__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Jump Start
Comments: Wicked man. I think Your website rocks. The only thing I'm worried about is having nightmares, You see I'm get scared VERY easily, and your website frightens me. I love it all the same though. Speak 2 u soon, Lukey
Date: Friday, July 05, 2002 at 04:50:16 (EDT)
Name: Nonny
Location: Bath, hello USA
E-Mail: memyselfandmartha__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Idowu Olatundun Odedosu
Comments: What a pointless site. Cool.
Date: Friday, July 05, 2002 at 04:44:22 (EDT)
Name: bob
Location: bath, sfryrdy USA
E-Mail: lets_all_eat_cheese__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page: tsertdet
Referred From: Jump Start
Comments: how strange

Date: Friday, July 05, 2002 at 04:34:09 (EDT)
Name: adam stevens
Location: gillingham, UK
E-Mail: steva002__AT(SPAMSTOP)__medway__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__org__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__uk
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hello jim jacobsion this is adam and this is wat I think of your web page s ahdfhregfrfadfgehahhhhshsgresgsfggdgy in English that is funny and very cool
Date: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 04:50:19 (EDT)
Name: Gareth Hutchins
Location: guinea pig land, rock mars
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: i was looking for guinea pigs because i love them but i found you instead.

Date: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 04:34:29 (EDT)
Name: Anthony
Location: Gillingham, England
Home Page:
Referred From: Hell
Comments: Its well good but could use some more picturs.
its my second favorit site. my favorit is Z THING.
Date: Friday, June 28, 2002 at 05:14:58 (EDT)
Location: Gillingham, kent uk
E-Mail: clarkDUSTER__AT(SPAMSTOP)__aol__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: music is cool and i like the pictures.
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 13:48:17 (EDT)
Name: allen tadman
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 06:56:59 (EDT)
Name: dan harris
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: your site is a load of rubbish but i hate your site a lot
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 04:40:01 (EDT)
Name: jack waud
Location: Gillingham, Uk
E-Mail: waudj__AT(SPAMSTOP)__howard__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__kent__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__sch__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__uk
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: i like your web site keep in touch with me.your web site is funny and i like it
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 04:39:53 (EDT)
Name: Jacob pearson
Location: Rainham, Uk
E-Mail: Pearsonj__AT(SPAMSTOP)__howard__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__kent__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__sch__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__uk
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I like the webpage because it is funny and has loads of activities.
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 04:36:57 (EDT)
Name: Rich Clarke
Location: Gillingham, UK
E-Mail: Clarke__AT(SPAMSTOP)__howard__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__kent__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__sch__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__uk
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I think your website is funny but needs a little bit of improvement, i would like to go on more of your hyperlinks.
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 04:32:57 (EDT)
Name: Adam Stevens
Location: Rainham, UK
E-Mail: stevensa__AT(SPAMSTOP)__howard__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__kent__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__sch__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__uk
Home Page:
Referred From: Yahoo Random Page
Comments: your page is funny. it's all kind of slapped on. i like it
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 04:24:47 (EDT)
Name: Tony Mclaren
Location: London, England
Home Page:
Referred From: punk-***.com
Comments: Total wild Man
Date: Monday, June 24, 2002 at 16:26:31 (EDT)
Name: David Friedland
Location: Potomac, MD USA
E-Mail: Yoyo_d92__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Barbara Jacobson
Comments: I am your mother in laws grandson. She told me abou t your website. It is an awesome web page. My grandmother is staying with me in maryland. So is my grandfather. Thuey told me about you.
Your relative (somehow),
David Friedland

Date: Sunday, June 16, 2002 at 08:22:32 (EDT)
Name: mona davis
Location: Palm Beach Gardens, Fl USA
E-Mail: monadavis__AT(SPAMSTOP)__adelphia__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__net
Home Page:
Referred From: Barbara Jacobson
Comments: I was showing Rebecca and David here in Maryland your wonderful home page.

They love your website
Date: Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 18:10:33 (EDT)
Name: Charlotte + Christine
Location: New York, NY USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Your site is wicked!!!!!! our school thinks it's crap
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 07:51:14 (EDT)
Name: Manuel
Location: Barcelona, spain
E-Mail: manuel__AT(SPAMSTOP)__bt__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: i like it. it is good.good.good. I feel good du du nu nu la la i new th

Date: Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 04:38:29 (EDT)
Name: Emma And Sarah
Location: Mars, dunno USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Funny, but this is sooooo annoying we like the bin laden punch thingy ma bob
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 04:32:23 (EDT)
Name: Kimmi
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi

Well i think UR website ROX!!!!!!It has heaps kewl stuff on it,even though it is a bad design...(technically!!) Well i love it!!!!!!

Have Fun :D


> > > > > GAF!!!!!
Date: Saturday, June 01, 2002 at 06:13:27 (EDT)
Name: ---
Location: ----, --- USA
E-Mail: ----
Home Page: Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Damn,, you break almost every rule of web design.. The rules were made by Jakob Neilson.. who is the countrys #1 Usability expert... It think you should take that to heart... and do a re-design.
Read them.

Get W3C Compliant.
Date: Monday, May 20, 2002 at 16:25:29 (EDT)
Name: Maribeth Ginsburg
Location: Dover, nj USA
E-Mail: forxfire8__AT(SPAMSTOP)__verizon__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__net
Home Page:
Referred From: Instructional Technology
Comments: Our Instructor directed us to your website as an example as what NOT to do.
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 15:19:31 (EDT)
Name: Joshua
Location: Clifton, CO USA
E-Mail: jjoshuaa__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From:
Comments: Hey man, THIS PAGE *** LIKE ****!!! To tell you the truth, I wandered if this page was part of some conspiricy. you get thousands of visiters, your even on a top ten worst website list. Classes used your website as an example. to create this website (considering I know that you have your own server and domain) would require quite a bit of knowlege about web design and scripting, BUT IT ***. So enlighten me a little, did you do all of this on purpose?
Date: Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 04:02:07 (EDT)
Name: Bin Ladin
Location: Mordor, CA Afgahn Massive
E-Mail: binladin__AT(SPAMSTOP)__cavemail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__af
Referred From: loveisadogfromhell
Comments: Im deeply offened im a nice guy it was a accident it was all el tigrof IV idea, hes a jerk.
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 05:53:32 (EDT)
Name: Random Cage III
Location: Birmingham, wm Merry old England
E-Mail: randomathome__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Yes very funny youve completed my otherwise worthless life
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 05:49:37 (EDT)
Name: jasper
Location: San Francisco, CA USA
E-Mail: jasper_blaster__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Monday, April 29, 2002 at 13:11:52 (EDT)
Name: johnny
Location: UK
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: what an appaling site, and typical American attitudes. Yanks can never make up their own minds on the facts, but let the media do it for them. The "Arafat is a terrorist" banner is testiment to this maybe you need to investigate Sharron a bit deeper, before blindly supporting Israel. He has got more innocent blood on his hands than Hitler. Watch the BBC and find out what impartiality is all about.
johnny from the UK and proud of it!!!!
Date: Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 08:41:51 (EDT)
Name: Jim (James Bond) Jacobson
Location: Baker, ca USA
E-Mail: jimrenee__AT(SPAMSTOP)__eastmojave__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__net
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 04:59:18 (EDT)
Name: Andy
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: It's-a me!
Date: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 15:00:22 (EDT)
Name: Brittany
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Cruel Site of the Day
Comments: I'm sorry but your website just has too much going on, it's very annoying.
Date: Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 17:34:55 (EST)
Name: student
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Juli Roberts
Comments: your web siite is horable u should no be allowed to make this kind of crap on the web but i like the osama punching that devilish ***
Date: Monday, April 01, 2002 at 13:00:58 (EST)
Name: FAbio Iguavita
Location: Bogota, Colombia
E-Mail: germanfuhrer__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: well i like very much the 3 stooges..... they are the best humor all over hysory
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 17:28:12 (EST)
Name: Jenn
Location: Bernardsvilee, NJ USA
E-Mail: danceluvr56__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: You are insane! In a good way of have too much time on your hands!
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 13:19:36 (EST)
Name: Paul Sloan
Location: London, uk
Home Page:
Referred From: Zack Lester
Comments: We are doing a course on good web design and this page has been included in our sylabus as an example of how not to design a website. It is interesting though. Thanks for your good example of bad design, invaluable!
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 12:01:13 (EST)
Name: Aaron
Location: PA USA
E-Mail: hoops8er15__AT(SPAMSTOP)__aol__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I go 2 skool with ur daughter she tol me about this website, i live down the street from u lol
Date: Monday, March 04, 2002 at 17:34:07 (EST)
Name: Randy J. Plante
Location: Crookston, mn USA
E-Mail: urjp002__AT(SPAMSTOP)__mail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__crk__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__umn__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__edu
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I too amm a stoodent at colage. ireviewed ur sit 4 my chooses og good websit bad websit i parodeed urs her is what i sayed.

What an annoying site not only does it advocate violence it commits the ultimate sacrilege of advocating apple computers. In addition, of all things it supports the annoyance of annoyances of linking to a page where one may practice KARAOKE, the ultimate insult to any serious singer such as you. And not only that it has a little graphic of this guys head chasing your pointer around like a tail on a kite.
The addle icon navigation frame is adolescent and simplistic to a point that it confounds der mind. One may punch-out osama bin ladumb, some guy noted to these fellas yet when one goes to their guestbook one may not even give one eye poke to the fathers of all shlap-schtickt ‹Der dried StooogenoffsŠ.
A word of warning about this page if you start surfing it you just might have so much fun you‰ll become know as the chairman or the great khauna. And don‰t even think of going to the awards page.

Date: Monday, February 18, 2002 at 17:49:08 (EST)
Name: Randy J. Plante
Location: Crookston, mn USA
E-Mail: urjp002__AT(SPAMSTOP)__mail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__crk__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__umn__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__edu
Home Page:
Referred From: Tien-Wei
Comments: I just typed bad webpages onto the search engine and it came up with yours.

Now about the three stooges below, why is it that i may punch osama bin ladumb, your mentor, yet not get a single eyepoke in on the fathers of all slap-schtickt. oh yea, well ernernern.
Date: Monday, February 18, 2002 at 17:38:49 (EST)
Name: Jerimiah
Location: La Jolla, Ca USA
E-Mail: jerimiahvii__AT(SPAMSTOP)__yahoo__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Jim,
I am a student at the University of California at San Diego. My class mates and I have chosen your webppage for a group project(class= engineering psychology). Are assignment is to critique some design, especially concerned with human factors. I was wondering if you could tell me about how you came to design the page and your intentions when designing it. Any interesting stories to tell or conflicts you ran into while design was in progress? Any thing you could tell us would be greatly appreciated, and we will be presenting this to the entire class. I gave you my email above.


Jerimiah Honer
Date: Saturday, February 16, 2002 at 21:16:24 (EST)
Name: don
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: your page sucks
Date: Friday, February 15, 2002 at 08:57:11 (EST)
Name: stevie Luvin
Location: Lauriston, Scotland
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I am a graphic design student surfing the web.


Date: Friday, February 15, 2002 at 06:58:55 (EST)
Name: Matthew Pollard
Location: london, eh? uk
E-Mail: matthew__AT(SPAMSTOP)__chickenskinners__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: For some reason I get referrals from this site - I always forget and come and have a look - before I know it blimmin thingys start happening all over the place. So now I know the url is here I'll never have to visit again - phew!
BTW - Stand up for yourself I'm not embarrassed I've left my real name!!!
Date: Monday, February 11, 2002 at 18:44:35 (EST)
Name: colin summers
Location: falkirk, scotland
Home Page:
Referred From: Web Design (PSU)
Comments: I am a graphic designer surfing the web and it has came to my attention that your web page is ***!!!!
Date: Friday, February 08, 2002 at 04:46:31 (EST)
Name: Ian
Location: USA
E-Mail: cwmanage__AT(SPAMSTOP)__yahoo__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page: writers cognition
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey, just thought i'd drop by and see what updates or changes you may have made, I have done a total re-design. Getting a G4 pretty soon :) Nice site.
Date: Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 08:48:10 (EST)
Name: rachel
Location: green bay, wi USA
E-Mail: thechief89__AT(SPAMSTOP)__yahoo__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: we're looking at "lousy websites" in our web design class- someone had found yours as an example. while not necessarily visually appealing, i LOVE IT. :)

it's "surreal" as someone in our class said... i can't believe how lame yet funny some of it is.

Date: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 at 17:23:30 (EST)
Name: phil
Location: montreal, qc canada
E-Mail: phil__AT(SPAMSTOP)__mistworld__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__cjb__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__net
Home Page:
Referred From:
Comments: I have to admit that this is really a bad web site :)
Date: Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 18:41:15 (EST)
Name: Jessica Hollingsworth
Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
E-Mail: Jessi449__AT(SPAMSTOP)__yahoo__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page: My Page
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi.
I like your web page a lot.

Have fun.

Date: Friday, January 11, 2002 at 15:20:52 (EST)
Name: satine
Location: versailles, USA
E-Mail: satine__AT(SPAMSTOP)__moulinrouge__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Jim, Your web site really really sucks. But I am glad I've found it. It really helps me in doing my assignment about web site that sucks. well done Jim. keep up with your unique work.

Date: Saturday, January 05, 2002 at 07:10:44 (EST)
Name: !!!!!
Location: wwwww, USA
E-Mail: xxxxxx
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Saturday, December 29, 2001 at 20:44:00 (EST)
Name: !!!11
Location: qqq, USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Saturday, December 29, 2001 at 20:34:21 (EST)
Name: Emmanuel Gomez
Location: New York, NY USA
E-Mail: Emmanuel_Gomez__AT(SPAMSTOP)__baruch__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__cuny__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__edu
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: You're a geek!
Date: Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 11:16:49 (EST)
Name: Joanna
Location: USA
E-Mail: shortstuff4510__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Monday, December 03, 2001 at 14:52:10 (EST)
Name: Jake
Location: USA
E-Mail: www.Bonesjr16__AT(SPAMSTOP)__aol__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Monday, December 03, 2001 at 14:51:28 (EST)
Name: pamela
Location: united kingdom
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: i have to do a report on comparing and contrasting a really well designed website with a really BADLY designed one. i can safely say that you will give me plenty to write about when it comes to describing the worst designed website ever.

take a hint....RE-DESIGN...

Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 12:04:54 (EST)
Name: Danielle&Katie
Location: okemos, MI USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Talker
Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 08:20:05 (EST)
Name: Francois De Bogroll
Location: S'Land, ?? UK
E-Mail: Yeah Right like I'd give it to you!!!
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Jim did you know that in studies at Sunderland University U.K., when covering the study of the top ten worst mistakes to make in web-page design. Your site comes top with a perfect TEN out of TEN, you truly have become a cult hero/Laughing stock with myself and fellow students. P.S add that to your awards page!!!!
Date: Friday, October 19, 2001 at 08:29:43 (EDT)
Name: Cristalita Josafina Eunice lena Bickford DEL CIELO
Location: Claremore, OK USA
E-Mail: popoloco__AT(SPAMSTOP)__aol__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page: Be Afraid
Referred From: the DOGPILE
Comments: Hey, so no matter what all those other people say, I find your site rather ammusing, it kept me occupied for three entire hours at work!! Way to go :-) Really, I was stalking around the net looking for a guy from high school, and for some reason the name "julian roberts" brought your page up in dogpile, crazy!! So yea, that's my story!! My page isn't anywhere near as interesting, but what can you expect? So ya. Have a great day, stay safe, and God bless
<3 Chrystal
PS-Macs suck
Date: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 at 20:35:13 (EDT)
Name: s2
Location: melbourne, victoria Australia
E-Mail: stunik__AT(SPAMSTOP)__vicnet__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__net__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__au
Home Page: Photgraphic Art gallery and FAQ
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Actually sherlock2 turned you up so maybe you old add that to your list of options

Visit meanyway and say G'day!
Date: Thursday, October 04, 2001 at 18:00:28 (EDT)
Name: Frederick
Location: USA
E-Mail: elguapo__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: You need to tone down tou page dude... all the extra scrpits not only eat up ram.. but has been known to crash browsers that do not allready have your site cached, and can be plain annoying if not used sparingly.

Web Design is a wonderful, fun thing... but users will NOT try agian if unsuccesful at viewing this page a first time.

Date: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 at 17:04:22 (EDT)
Name: SOmeone
Location: USA
E-Mail: u prob know it
Home Page:
Referred From: MONKEY
Comments: U e-mailed me about somthing at
Wot do u mean?
Date: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 at 16:23:01 (EDT)
Name: Hannah Banana
Location: Tulsa, OK USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Surfpoint
Comments: It's pretty cool!

Date: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 at 09:50:26 (EDT)
Name: Aaron Southerland
Location: Orem, UT USA
E-Mail: 12seconds__AT(SPAMSTOP)__juno__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Hell
Comments: This is easily the WORST designed web page I've ever seen!
Where did you learn design, because we should kill the guy before he spreads his stupidity.
The lack of art is so apparent.
By the way, it's people like you who give us Mac users a bad name!
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 at 13:55:26 (EDT)
Name: jeremiah
Location: tulsa, ok USA
E-Mail: luke53us__AT(SPAMSTOP)__yahoo__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Friday, September 21, 2001 at 09:17:54 (EDT)
Name: Scott Colbath
Location: scottsdale, Az USA
E-Mail: scottcolbath__AT(SPAMSTOP)__yahoo__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Back Alley
Comments: Knowing your prefession, I can only guess that you use this page to test if normally stable people flip out when viewing it.
Date: Monday, September 10, 2001 at 14:23:18 (EDT)
Name: J-Lap
Location: Crosbyton, TX USA
E-Mail: No thank You
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Interesting Website.
Date: Thursday, September 06, 2001 at 16:30:52 (EDT)
Name: Lee McAllister
Location: Wagga Wagga, Australia
E-Mail: lmcall01__AT(SPAMSTOP)__postoffice__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__csu__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__edu__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__au
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello, My name is Lee, I'm a 2nd Year Graphic designer currentlydesigning my own webpage. As a part of a research project for this particular course I wondered if you could answer some of my questions.

I would greatly appreciate this, and I'm sorry that I had to write all this here, but I tried to e-mail you, but it didn't work.

1. How did you go about designing the page/site.

2. What were the author's intentions?

3. Are you happy with the success of your page/site.

4.Did you research into other site or were you influenced by any other
web pages?

5. Are there any changes you would make to the site?

Thankyou for your time.

Date: Monday, August 27, 2001 at 23:58:44 (EDT)
Name: Terri Cox
Location: Broken Arrow, OK USA
E-Mail: tcox2__AT(SPAMSTOP)__ba__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__k12__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__ok__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__us
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I don't understand
Date: Monday, July 23, 2001 at 14:47:35 (EDT)
Name: Karen Garner
Location: Pryor, OK USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Stupid Zone
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 12:06:49 (EDT)
Name: Eri Zeitz
Location: Roeland Park, KS USA
E-Mail: eriz__AT(SPAMSTOP)__unicom__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__net
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey, I like this site. But I wonder, Director of Community Mental Health, how do you find the time to maintain it? Must be a mentally healthy community where you live...
Don't listen to those PC users, PCs suck . Windows is an Apple rip-off!
Eri Z.
Date: Monday, June 04, 2001 at 11:44:34 (EDT)
Name: Jamie
Location: El Sob #1, ca USA
E-Mail: kookychick252__AT(SPAMSTOP)__yahoo__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page: This chick is off her rocker!
Referred From: Ya, Foo! The Weird Wired Web
Comments: Please look at my site. It doesn't have nearly as many hits as this one and I promise you is is at least slightly less irritating. I am not selling anything, just bored. I would comment on Jim Jacobson's homepage, but as of right now I am terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.
Date: Sunday, May 06, 2001 at 23:57:12 (EDT)
Name: uhm
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Something Awful
Comments: uhm... nice
Date: Sunday, May 06, 2001 at 04:32:44 (EDT)
Name: Philip
Location: Albany, insanity USA
E-Mail: par156__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Joe Bag's Cool Site
Comments: Hey, cool site.
but the music get annoing, really fast!
lol see yah,
and check out my site!
Date: Saturday, May 05, 2001 at 10:13:54 (EDT)
Name: Jeff K
Location: USA
E-Mail: Guest__AT(SPAMSTOP)__aol__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Thursday, April 19, 2001 at 20:14:08 (EDT)
Name: Honest Bob.
Location: Old Smoke - Blighty., HEATHEN! UK
E-Mail: Honestly!
Home Page: -
Referred From: Something Awful
Comments: Firstly, even though I find your style garish and your content too personal (ie: not a goddam thing to do with me) I have seldom seen a site provoke such a response. Most of it was bad, but also spinelessly (much like myself) ANON. Even though I will return only to read your guest book, I have to take my hat off to you and say fair-play, sir!
Date: Thursday, April 19, 2001 at 19:43:15 (EDT)
Name: Nathaniel Hornblower
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: The horror. Someone has found a way to materialize my heroin induced hallucinations. There is no hell for i am here.
Date: Thursday, April 19, 2001 at 07:26:54 (EDT)
Name: Brian
Location: tx USA
Home Page:
Referred From: mediajungle
Comments: cool site! found this page linked from something awful site. you were featured as their site of the day
Date: Thursday, April 19, 2001 at 04:23:51 (EDT)
Name: Mikey
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: One Click Away
Comments: Mikey likes it
Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 at 11:18:02 (EDT)
Name: simon mitchell
Location: vienna, austria
E-Mail: uk1__AT(SPAMSTOP)__gmx__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__net
Home Page:
Referred From: Ya, Foo! The Weird Wired Web
Comments: Come on Knight do us "longs" a favour and get back to mmmm 60$ would be nice, although I would be happy with anything over 30$.

Greetings from Vienna Austria......
Date: Saturday, March 31, 2001 at 10:56:03 (EST)
Name: Sam Seiber
Location: Denver, Co USA!!
E-Mail: tingringfan__AT(SPAMSTOP)__earthlink__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__net
Home Page: bracesarebeatiful
Referred From: Mark Dubin

Date: Friday, March 23, 2001 at 15:38:08 (EST)
Name: Steve
Location: Canada
E-Mail: type_r24__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page: Awakening Pulse
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Nice site you've got here.... please add me to ur link section. Take a look at my site if u like, its pretty kool..
later all
Date: Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 14:41:00 (EST)
Name: Jim Tolson
Location: Dunfermline, Fife Scotland
E-Mail: jim_tolson2001__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Ya, Foo! The Weird Wired Web
Comments: Hi,
Thanks for showing myself and my college friends your site.

We are currently doing a "Publishing on the Internet" assessment as part of our Higher National Diploma in Computer Support. Part of the course asks that we look at good bad and indifferent sites and say what we think is good etc about each site.

Your site has been very helpful to as it has to be the worst we have seen since starting this course!

Best wishes,

Jim Tolson.
Date: Thursday, March 08, 2001 at 04:14:15 (EST)
Name: LAME
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: It's very lame that you deleted the offending posts and you were just asking for it weren't you. You did this on purpose, you are just lame and sad.
Date: Monday, February 26, 2001 at 18:47:12 (EST)
Name: Gerard
Location: Beaver, PA USA
E-Mail: cirig__AT(SPAMSTOP)__angstrom__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__net
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: This has got to be one of the best web pages
I've ever experienced. It's much friendlier than
all of the alcohol I used in college ... similar
effect on my brain ... but with fewer calories
and less hangover. nyuk nyuk nyuk


Date: Thursday, February 22, 2001 at 21:37:54 (EST)
Location: USA
E-Mail: sucksites__AT(SPAMSTOP)__dualboot__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__net
Referred From: Stupid Zone

Absolute, worst, completely pathitice use of a mac, need to get a REAl pc, piece of monkey *** webpage!
Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 at 19:15:20 (EST)
Name: I.Kattilakoski
Location: Finland
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Weird site ya have.
Date: Friday, February 16, 2001 at 12:21:20 (EST)
Name: Awanti
Location: Sacramento, CA USA
E-Mail: avantig__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I would like to know the reason why you have not given an aesthetic sense to your website. Why have you made it so bad? Also what do you do with the statics maintained on your webpage?

Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 at 16:07:14 (EST)
Name: Siebenhofer
Location: Leibnitz, USA
E-Mail: sibi__AT(SPAMSTOP)__aon__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__at
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi,
this website is great and well designed. A lot of information. Keep up the good job.
Greetings from Austria

Denise, Stephan, Angie and Dietmar Siebenhof

Date: Thursday, February 08, 2001 at 13:28:24 (EST)
Name: errr
Location: New Zealand
E-Mail: hmmm...not today
Home Page:
Referred From: Hell
Comments: Good Grief...First page to ever crash Internet explorer this year!
Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 19:07:24 (EST)
Name: unknown
Location: who knows, MI USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: YOur home page sucks big time and you ain't got no sense
It's terriable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 12:42:34 (EST)
Name: dose it matter
Location: plymouth , mi USA
E-Mail: deadlord666__AT(SPAMSTOP)__aol__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: this is the worst site i have been to in a long time i think u should re desinge ur web page a little better like takeing off the heads that follow ur mouse around i am sorry but if u have to make the back button a refresh button then ur a sorry low class back stabbing junk monkey
Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 12:31:41 (EST)
Name: Jessyca
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: It's me once more, I forgot to add something. MACs SUCKS!!

Peace Out,
Date: Monday, January 22, 2001 at 08:05:46 (EST)
Name: Jessyca
Location: Plymouth, NC USA
E-Mail: Jaina64__AT(SPAMSTOP)__yahoo__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Spinning the Web
Comments: I guess it's nice if you like it. But it's a bit...loud.
And what's up with the floating heads? How am I suppose to read what's on the site if all I see is lots of big heads blocking my view? No Offence of anything,

Peace Out,
Date: Monday, January 22, 2001 at 08:04:16 (EST)
Location: CARLISLE, UK
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: WHAT CAN I SAY???? Well I'm learning web design right now and erm well I'm using your homepage as a bad example. Not in a bad way as it's quite amusing in some ways! I quite like the on-line karaoke. I just think it's a bit over the top, but hey, if that's the way you like it who am i to say its bad!!??!

Keep up the work Mr J

Scottish Pete

Date: Thursday, January 18, 2001 at 10:49:36 (EST)
Name: Lars Ormberg
Location: Edmonton, AB Canada
E-Mail: larso__AT(SPAMSTOP)__ualberta__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__ca
Home Page: The University of Lars
Referred From: WebTomorrow
Comments: Just seeing things to avoid on my upcoming webpage update.
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 23:58:59 (EST)
Name: Corinna
Location: Dublin, Ireland
E-Mail: Corinna_lutz__AT(SPAMSTOP)__hotmail__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: nice Page, didn't see anything like this before !

Date: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 at 09:16:41 (EST)
Name: John Collins
Location: Lebanon, IL USA
E-Mail: mspat15__AT(SPAMSTOP)__juno__D0T(SPAMSTOP)__com
Home Page:
Referred From: Hell
Comments: GREAT PAGE !!!
Lots of fun and info here ! ! !
Date: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 at 19:09:17 (EST)
Name: Dan
Location: Vancouver, BC Canada
E-Mail: Like I'd post it here
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: Make it stop! Oh please God make it stop!!!
Date: Friday, December 15, 2000 at 17:43:48 (EST)
Location: E-Mail:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: .....just took a stroll on the www to get my mind somewhat refreshed and clicked several sites at random. Like your pages and hope you would keep working and specially updating. All the best - Arthur (Please come in to our site in the making too and give a sign of life...)
Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 21:19:47 (EST)
Name: David Emmerman
Location: Chapel Hill, NC USA
Home Page: David's Site
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Macs Rule!
Check Out:
Date: Sunday, November 19, 2000 at 18:29:58 (EST)
Name: Brandon Davidson
Location: Bloomington, IN USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: This is possibly the worst designed site I have ever seen! Tacky, hard to navigate, and hard on the eyes. AND, the awful mouse trail! This is a good teaching tool for people learning HTML, a classic what not to do!
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 17:36:44 (EST)
Name: Ausi
Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: You must be joking! This a horrible homepage!
And the music - ***!
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 16:27:20 (EST)
Name: emily
Location: League City, TX USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: jim,
you saved us in web- mastering class. your games allowed us to leave the horrible dungeon of this class.
thanks, emily

Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 13:41:09 (EST)
Name: Mai-Liis
Location: Canada
Home Page: Insanity
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Very interesting page indeed!
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 00:31:33 (EST)
Name: ITI students
Location: Portland, or USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Truly Awful.
I could smell it from here!!
Banner is seizure inducing
Date: Thursday, November 09, 2000 at 22:06:04 (EST)
Name: John R Collins
Location: Lebanon, Il USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Favorites of CS 10
Comments: cooool!
Date: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 17:42:50 (EST)
Name: unknown
Location: nowhere, n India
E-Mail: not telling you freak
Home Page: Web Pages That Suck
Referred From: What is and what should never be
Comments: dude this page sucks you should be taken into the street and shot.
you have broken every rule of webdesign and your page is annoying.
so be a decent human being and take this page off the world wide web.
one more thing, again this page sucks.
Date: Monday, November 06, 2000 at 13:54:22 (EST)
Name: Jebus
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Nice page ***
Date: Friday, November 03, 2000 at 11:24:06 (EST)
Name: monde
Location: USA
Home Page: involution
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: Good God, the guy at Freaky Links sure hit the mark on this site. Is this a satire of every bad home page in existence? There's nothing here but glitz and Kenneth Starr! It's a nightmare! But the worst part of it is that ludicrous gifanim of a letter being written and folded and tucked into an envelope. GOD I HATE THAT thing! It's email, Jim. We don't use pens and envelopes. Pen and envelope graphics are so...antiquated looking. Jeepers. I think I will go do something more interesting than hanging out here, like watching paint dry or something.
Date: Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 02:16:27 (EST)
Name: Arild Settli
Location: Oslo, Norway
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I was wondering if you was in any way related to some Norwegians called Settli. Gerd Jacobson from minniapolis has this name, do you know her. Please disregard if you dont know what im talking about.

Arild Settli

PS nice page though..
Date: Monday, October 30, 2000 at 13:30:20 (EST)
Name: Anonymous
Location: I'm not tellin u my location, freak!, USA
Referred From: Juli Roberts
Comments: Starr pathetic.

I'm guessing your a republican.

Republicans couldn't find ANYTHING wrong w/ they had to dig into HIS business about HIS relations. It was NO one else's business...and Clinton wanted to keep it that way. But the greedy, evil republicans made a stupid case about Clinton doin that stuff. So what?

IMPEACHMENT is for TREASON against the country!!!! NOT for LYING about ur SEX LIFE!!!!!!

Nixon commited TREASON...he resigned before being impeached.

Did Clinton's lying about his "relationships" affect the ECONOMY...did it affect the MILITARY...did it affect the AMericans AT ALL??!!! No!!

Republicans are just stupid, rednecks, and most of all GREEDY.

I hate em'. And I hate the cocain-snorting DUBYA!

George W. Bush...lets talk about him...
His father was SOO supportive (more than supportive..he was the president...he made the decision) of having soldiers in Vietnam (stupid). BUT...he didn't want his OWN poor precious son there! No way... George W. was assigned a so-called military assignment..and do ya know what that was? He flew a little plane near the border to shoot down mexicans coming to our country. Ya....thats a cause we should fight for.

BUT...Al Gore didn't support Vietnam. But he was not a wussy and HE went to Vietnam...because he knew if HE didn't do it, some1 else in his neighborhood would.

I hate Bush. I hope we can survive him if he's elected.

I'm pretty sure he'll be elected, seeing how stupid and greedy the americans are today.
Date: Friday, October 20, 2000 at 20:49:27 (EDT)
Name: Billy Bob
Location: Bobville, Bob bob
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: You made this site with a CRAPintosh!!!!!!!! I agree w/ Freaky Links. And by the, I shouldn't get a macintosh (see first statement). And I don't appreciate ppl who tell me to!!! You have a bunch of little somethings for nothing. Little gadgets everywhere...thats all. Get more CONTENT, dude. Less "of the month" crap. P.S. I luv the Kareoke, tho. P.P.S. try getting more modern songs for next month..itll help.
Date: Friday, October 20, 2000 at 20:36:25 (EDT)
Name: Rachel
Location: Muskegon, MI USA
Home Page: my sucky page
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: Dude,
This page is the most boring thing ever. How did you win all of those awards?? You should find a new hobby, man.
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2000 at 20:17:12 (EDT)
Name: Mike
Location: Saline, MI USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: This is great site, i loev the karaoke
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2000 at 16:02:10 (EDT)
Name: Steph
Location: Denver, CO USA
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: What the hell are you on??? You have entirely too much time on your hands... get a new hobby
Date: Sunday, October 08, 2000 at 21:25:33 (EDT)
Name: dozr
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: snuh?
Date: Saturday, October 07, 2000 at 06:47:37 (EDT)
Name: Rusty in Alaska
Location: Anchorage, AK USA
Home Page:
Referred From: WebTomorrow
Comments: Used site for critique in my Web Design class.
Interesting comments from class mates.
Date: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 15:56:14 (EDT)
Name: Babe
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Your patients arerubbingoff on you!!!
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 10:15:54 (EDT)
Name: Randolph Matson
Location: Havelock, NC USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 22:32:04 (EDT)
Name: The Ancient One
Location: hamilton, on Canada
Home Page: Fortunepropheteller
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: you have a very nice site . i enjoyed your page . thank you .
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 09:19:53 (EDT)
Name: Paul
Location: London, UK
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I'd just like to thank you for making me feel so good on day when I need cheering up. Just when you're getting disheartened by designing boring sites for clients someone comes along and show what can be done with huge amounts of boredom, a mac (which explains a lot on its own), an eye for detail (even the bouncing balls are actually tiny images of your head), a unique sense of colourmatching and a desire to mess with the heads of your victims .. erm I mean viewers. Need I say more ?

Date: Monday, September 18, 2000 at 09:47:12 (EDT)
Name: Dr.Barry & edmar foods
Location: wakefield, england
Home Page:
Referred From:
Comments: Hiya Jim, we lurve your little heads - everyone likes a little head now and again, doncha think? Just ask Monica.
We especially like the multi-pronged cacophony of musical delights that you have so generously supplied for our entertainment and edification. The juxtaposition of the sonorous angelic vocal dexterity of your charming missus's voice and your own avant-garde organ musical compositions renders one unable to function rationally. This pleases us. When are you visiting the UK? Come and see I, Edmar, and I, Dr. Barry at our weekly surgery for omnivorous unipeds.
We out.
Date: Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 10:06:32 (EDT)
Name: James Hartley
Location: Akron, OH USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: Sorry, but this IS the worst website ever
Date: Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 21:58:55 (EDT)
Name: Sherman Marcus
Location: Haifa, Israel
Home Page:
Referred From: Ryan's collection
Comments: Fantastic Site!
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 17:08:23 (EDT)
Name: Maria Mendoza
Location: Lonely City, USA
E-Mail: not yet connected
Home Page: none
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: how could you read someone's mind so fast ,your telepathic mind is so strong,did you do that b'coz you really care??? How long should I wait until you reveal yourself?? Go on satisfy yourself...your worked was so fantastic!!!!!!
Date: Friday, August 25, 2000 at 11:35:27 (EDT)
Name: M.K.
Location: Angels City, USA
Home Page: none yet
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Just to think of the past I'd encountered with you..I'm quite scared ..don't want some allergies anymore ..please!!! Anyway,you are such a great and handsome ..mmm...and genius human being . Gannbatte ne...
Date: Monday, August 21, 2000 at 04:54:10 (EDT)
Name: Kudo,Joy
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: You are a super intelligent person I ever meet Wish to know you more...
Date: Friday, August 18, 2000 at 18:38:24 (EDT)
Name: Jenny
Home Page:
Referred From: 1ST Summer Institute
Comments: Looks great.
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000 at 23:24:06 (EDT)
Name: rosy mcvicar
Location: titty witty beach, wa kazakstan
Home Page: sex goddess
Referred From:
Comments: none as yet,
i dont really want to make a comment
at this point of time i think ill just leave it blank
if thats ok with you jimmy me boy
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000 at 23:01:05 (EDT)
Name: Claire
Location: London, UK
Home Page:
Referred From: Netscape Open Directory
Comments: It certainly brought a smile to my face:) You must be raking it in with all this advertising - good on ya!!
Date: Friday, August 11, 2000 at 17:36:18 (EDT)
Name: Michael
Location: Spitzkunnersdorf, D Germany
Home Page: Volleyball Spitzkunnersdorf
Referred From: Guestbook
Comments: Echt super Seite!
Habe sie durch Zufall bei Yahoo gefunden.
Mach weiter so.
Ich wŸrde mich auch Ÿber einen GŠstebucheintrag von Dir freuen!

Ciao Michael aus Germany
Date: Monday, August 07, 2000 at 14:30:55 (EDT)
Name: Marty
Location: Barkhamsted, CT USA
Home Page: Martin & Susan Gregor Family Site
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I think I was actually born in that hospital you work
in. Get some better music for your site would ya...
Date: Sunday, August 06, 2000 at 21:03:00 (EDT)
Name: guy
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: a huh
Date: Thursday, August 03, 2000 at 17:32:22 (EDT)
Name: Kathy, John's friend
Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Lots of fun stuff.
Date: Monday, July 24, 2000 at 10:47:08 (EDT)
Name: Rather not say
Location: USA
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: Oh my god...

I can safely say I was truly frightened by viewing a few pages of this collection of.. well..

Just, delete it all and have your sight professionally designed. For the good of mankind please.. ~.~
Date: Monday, July 24, 2000 at 01:44:23 (EDT)
Name: Ken Turkington
Location: Huoston, Tx USA
Home Page:
Referred From:
Date: Thursday, July 20, 2000 at 21:18:37 (EDT)
Name: derek cooper
Location: bedford, uk
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Sunday, July 16, 2000 at 06:55:22 (EDT)
Name: Miguel
Location: Leningrad, USSR
E-Mail: Sanchez
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: I'm inclined to agree with derek. At least his site has content. Lewinski report? Grow up.
Date: Monday, July 10, 2000 at 23:04:53 (EDT)
Name: Gary Scott
Location: Palatka, Fl USA
Home Page: Gary's poems
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: first The web Page that I gave you is a page i have created on the captial letters on it have to be enterd as captials also please sign my guest book on How you Liked it yhe Poems on It are my own work exsept for the one at the bottom where it says they arent mine there also is a chat room but know ever goes on it sorry if the url didn't work i didn't have it enterd correctlly

the comment i have is how do you get the music on your page to sound like that I think Its Cool the way it sounds

if you would like to E-mail me my e-mail adress is here
Date: Monday, July 10, 2000 at 18:06:46 (EDT)
Name: Gary Scott
Location: Palatka, Fl USA
Home Page: Gary's poems
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: first The web Page that I gave you is a page i have created on the captial letters on it have to be enterd as captials also please sign my guest book on How you Liked it yhe Poems on It are my own work exsept for the one at the bottom where it says they arent mine there also is a chat room but know ever goes on it

the comment i have is how do you get the music on your page to sound like that I think Its Cool the way it sounds

if you would like to E-mail me my e-mail adress is here
Date: Monday, July 10, 2000 at 18:04:14 (EDT)
Name: A Student
Location: Seattle, WA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Damnit Jim! You're a DOCTOR, not a WEB DESIGNER!
Date: Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 18:20:47 (EDT)
Name: anonymous
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Oh my. Are any other Mac users out there ashamed this was made on a Mac? Think different indeed.
Date: Monday, July 03, 2000 at 04:21:40 (EDT)
Name: clyde
Location: st paul, mn USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: great page, wish i was that smart...and had more time
Date: Monday, June 26, 2000 at 09:47:26 (EDT)
Name: Anthony G
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: 79
Date: Sunday, June 25, 2000 at 23:19:38 (EDT)
Name: Kris
Location: london, ? UK
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: Me again!!
Hi JO, got my email then!! Look around yet? If you have what do you think? Write your opinions in this guest book and i will come back and check in a few days! Anyway, enjoy and i will see you soon! Krisxx
Date: Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 13:21:00 (EDT)
Name: jinlea
Location: GA USA
Home Page: flee
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: Well personally I like it, it's different.
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 00:40:06 (EDT)
Name: Rachel
Location: cincinnati, ohio USA
E-Mail: Ra-klipfel
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Date: Monday, June 19, 2000 at 22:58:30 (EDT)
Name: Graeme
Location: Warrington, UK
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Oh dear...oh dear oh dear oh dear... I think the paragraph dedicated to this site in the Hall of Shame ( for those who are interested) sums it up quite nicely.

I'm not sure where to start, so I won't.
Date: Monday, June 19, 2000 at 04:51:17 (EDT)
Name: Kris
Location: London, ? UK
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: Very strange but amusing!!Espeacially liked the sing along, sad or what?!!! But it was good fun wailing along with my mate!!! Keep up the silly work!!!!
Date: Friday, June 16, 2000 at 13:43:29 (EDT)
Name: David Payne
Location: Nashville, TN USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: Very enticing web page. Makes me feel at home, thanks for the break of monotony in the world of webpages today. I myself work for a major computer company and rather enjoy seeing this type of work that's bright and full of energy.
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 13:59:45 (EDT)
Name: Becca
Location: Superior, WI USA
Home Page: My page
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: Wow, it was interesting, but to tell you the truth I think it sucks
I think you need to change you back round! And how is it saposta be freaky?

Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 01:36:50 (EDT)
Name: Doug
Location: Atlanta, GA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I think you need more clip art. Maybe animated clip art. And you need more awards. If you can't find any, just make some more up. And maybe some clashing colors. Pick random colors, as many as you can and spell your name. Oh and add some more music and sound. There is nothing better than hearing midi files while I am listening to a good jazz CD. Geez. Give a guy a paint brush and he thinks he is Rembrandt. What a bunch of useless crap.
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 23:19:32 (EDT)
Name: Danielle
Location: CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: well umm all i have to say is dido to what marilyn said.. i totally agree.. she is one smart chick.. o and what do u think your children would think of you if they saw this site??? i would think daddy belongs in a room along with his patients...
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 00:22:44 (EDT)
Name: kivlov
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: this webpage is just a bunch of semi-useful things compiled in a side window. this page has nothing of any value in it.

aside from being pointless - it is VERY fast on my 28.8 connection. kudos.
Date: Monday, June 12, 2000 at 14:43:51 (EDT)
Name: John Jenko
Location: Monroeville, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Got ADSL installed Jim,
Your page downloaded very quickly!
I also did the FTP download. It too was very fast.
Date: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 at 22:40:46 (EDT)
Name: nahnah
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: well, you arent really a good designer but its a good try
Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 12:15:54 (EDT)
Name: Marilyn
Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: I was curious to see this site. I stumbled upon Freaky Links and when I saw this site in the "enemies" list, I felt compelled to see what could have caused it to be placed in such company. Surely, it could not be awful enough to be placed on a list along with hackers and such.

I was wrong. This is the most ridiculous example of mental masturbation I've ever seen. You can't possibly be a psychiatrist, because you'd never have the time to devote (read WASTE) on something this inane and useless. Do us all a favor here in cyberspace and devote more time to your patients and your children and leave the websites to those who are truly creative and/or have something important to say. Thank you.
Date: Friday, May 26, 2000 at 08:57:31 (EDT)
Name: Sharon
Location: Dallas, tx USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Freaky Links-Know Thine Enemy
Comments: This some big psych experiment isn't it?

Are you going to write a paper/thesis on the kind of remarks this web site generated?
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 10:31:46 (EDT)
Name: Katie Stone
Location: Minneapolis, MN USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: your web site is awesome but color is needed in the backround to attract more people.!!!!!!!
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 09:59:27 (EDT)
Name: Gumps
Location: McMurray , pa USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Monday, May 15, 2000 at 13:22:43 (EDT)
Name: Len Kaufman
Location: Jacksonville, FL USA
Home Page: North Florida Macintosh Users Group
Referred From:
Comments: Great music!
Date: Friday, May 12, 2000 at 20:59:58 (EDT)
Name: Mike
Location: San Juan Capistrano, ca USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: When ever I come here I get this extra window telling me I am missing a plug in and asks me if I would like to go to Netscape for the plug in. I go there and it lists a couple plug ins including Quicktime. I have the latest Quicktime. What other plug in do I need?
Date: Saturday, May 06, 2000 at 11:54:26 (EDT)
Name: Arthur Rocker
Location: Lawton, Ok USA
Home Page: Lesart's Gifts
Referred From: Talking Pages on the web
Comments: Damit Jim wish I had the time to make a website like this.
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 08:41:00 (EDT)
Name: Harald
Location: Bad Kissingen, Germany
Home Page: Harald`s Homepage
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Compliments Jim !!!
Very great homepage, very interesting. I`ll come back several times
to see everything on your sites.

Gr٤e aus Deutschland

Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 at 07:54:16 (EDT)
Name: Sandra
Location: Vienna, Austria
Home Page: my page (my pics, drawings, cartoons, poems,...)
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Good Homepage - Congratulations!
I wish you HAPPY HAPPY EASTER! Visit
and enjoy my page - AND don't forget
to sign my guestbook!
:) Enjoy, Sandra

Date: Saturday, April 22, 2000 at 07:38:09 (EDT)
Name: Vic Firth
Location: New Jersey, NJ USA
Home Page: Vic Firth
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: No wonder why this site get the worst site ever looks just a like a cheap circus
Date: Friday, April 14, 2000 at 13:08:44 (EDT)
Name: Jim's Guestbook
Location: noneya, AL USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I believe that was right. Best of luck on your next web page ;-)
Date: Sunday, March 26, 2000 at 00:39:44 (EST)
Name: Nicola Pardini
Location: pisa, italy
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Sunday, March 19, 2000 at 13:58:54 (EST)
Name: hehe
Location: far,far away from you, somewhere in asia
E-Mail: areuCRAZY?
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: ok, lets get this over with now, your page is disgusting. I doubt you have even looked at your own page. I am a web desighner myself, and could do much better than that of you. Macromedia would be apolled at you for your misuse of their program. Your links a cheesy, and whoever heard of not1, not two, but 4 frames? Just get rid of this page, and quickly please. IT IS OLD AND BAD!!!
Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000 at 19:35:42 (EST)
Name: Timmy B.
Location: Lake City, TN USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey! I love the page! It is Awesome! Don't Change a thing and don't let the negative comments get you down. I think that it is cool that you have so much time to spend on something you love. I also agree that Macs are way better than PC's. If I had to name one thing to get rid of it would be the Einstein wallpaper it is tacky and didn't that guy have sex with his cousin or something? Oh well. I plan on visiting often to see what kind of new and exciting things are going on on "JIM JACOBSON'S HOME PAGE" Peace! Timmy B.
Date: Sunday, February 27, 2000 at 22:25:13 (EST)
Name: Mike Griffith
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: HI DOC,
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 11:10:55 (EST)
Name: Ralph T. Meloro
Location: McMurray, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Great page! Got a bunch of laughs out of me on it. Thanks, Ralph
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 09:34:16 (EST)
Name: Greg Lejeune
Location: Houston, Tx USA
Home Page: Excel Communications
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Just dropped by to say hi.
Date: Friday, January 21, 2000 at 12:41:39 (EST)
Name: Katie
Location: Mendham, NJ USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Surfin' Pick Of The Day
Comments: Nice Site~
Date: Monday, December 27, 1999 at 18:35:09 (EST)
Name: lahoma
Location: Gainesville, Fl USA
Home Page: Honey Child Threads
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Now I remember why I left Pennsylvania.
Date: Friday, December 17, 1999 at 15:43:02 (EST)
Name: Char
Location: Norwich, NY USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Actually I found the site via your link on the NITE board. LOVE your page. Alot of effort & imagination as well as alot of time on your hands. GO NITE!!!
Date: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 at 20:37:33 (EST)
Name: Renae Linton
Location: Lake Forest, Illinois USA
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: awesome homepage
Date: Saturday, November 20, 1999 at 10:43:35 (EST)
Name: Alex
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I found this site while looking for the worst web sites in the whole world wide web...
Date: Thursday, November 18, 1999 at 06:03:37 (EST)
Name: Magandrus Illisthendra Draemondath
Location: mytown, notyours like, where else, eh?
Home Page: we're not going there!
Referred From: WWW Site Evaluation
Comments: hey...gotta hand it to you...when they said this site sucked, they were tellin the truth...i mean, look at it! you've overkilled it.... your site crashed my server thirty times in one blow! you got stuff you don't even need! man, *LOL* i think i'm going mad. i've never seen a site like this before. they'll have to kick me out of the nut house soon just for telling everyone else about this place and scarin' the crap out of everyone there! this site should be title as an illegal site it sucks so little brother could doa *** load better than you! well, hope you feel guilty for doing this, man. you should be shot!
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 at 12:27:09 (EST)
Name: Mage
Location: Hopefully, not where you live, ?? Nothern Republic of America
E-Mail: ummm...No
Home Page: Mage's Relm
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Woah, My T1 lagged! I came from The NetScape hall of shame, and I see now that the were right. How sad...
Your sites is the best of the worst!! ARGH, it's currupting me to MacOS, I can feel the knowledge draing from my brain!!
*gasp, studder, choke*
Date: Monday, November 15, 1999 at 10:05:20 (EST)
Name: Stan (SEPOD)
Location: New York/via The moon, NY USA
E-Mail: Doyouthinkiwantthesenutswritin'
Home Page: NOT EVEN
Referred From: Bond University
Comments: This site sucks...way too many Canadians. Why do all countrys basicly have the same passport, but the Canadians have to have a different one. Because this is their only way they can distinguish themselves. lol
Date: Monday, November 15, 1999 at 01:22:39 (EST)
Name: Daniel jones
Location: Battle Creek, MI USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: AKA bookemdano9 from the Raging Bull site. Great stuff in here..
I gotta get me one o' these web pages. "Chef Dano's NITE Train Cafe"...whaddya think?

Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999 at 11:28:12 (EST)
Name: Jo Ann
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From:
Date: Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 22:02:20 (EST)
Name: name withheld
Location: city witheld, E-Mail: e-mail witheld
Home Page:
Referred From: Stupid Zone
Comments: nice page
Date: Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 10:03:51 (EST)
Name: Dalnato
Location: Mississauga, ON Canada
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I think your page is just great, I love it.
Date: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 at 13:44:33 (EST)
Name: ian
Location: ireland
Referred From: What is and what should never be
Comments: im tempted to say either how much this site sucks, or how great is it because its almost shockingly awful, and therefore genius...
but im not going to...
im going to just go away... and never come back...ever...
Date: Monday, November 01, 1999 at 16:59:57 (EST)
Name: marilee
Location: Canada
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: It's sites like this that make me proud to be a Canadian... and not an American... like you... you FREAK.
Oh, and hasn't the Starr report bored us enough already? I swear, if I hear about it one more time I'll have to kill everyone in the American media (psst, the rest of the world just don't care!).
On a slightly less annoyed note, although I haven't taken the time to read the code, it looks like you know how to use computers... or... Macs at least... but we all know those user friendly little boxes aren't computers.
Date: Monday, November 01, 1999 at 16:53:47 (EST)
Name: Noneya
Location: :P, OK Zembobway
E-Mail: n/a
Referred From: BPMUG SIG
Comments: MAC'S SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Monday, November 01, 1999 at 10:23:57 (EST)
Name: alec Lindsay
Location: Locust Valley, New York USA
Home Page: groms Warcraft 2
Referred From: Web Soup
Comments: Hello I think you should not be saying Mac is better than P.C. the little heads are funny but cheesy music and enough with the animated gifs Otherwise, Cool site!
Date: Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 14:19:12 (EDT)
Name: Abe again
Location: New York City, USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hello, Jim. I changed my mind, your page stinks!! Yay and congradulations to all those people who think this page stinks also!!

P.S. ok, Ill follow my own advice. You can improve it by getting rid of the Mac stuff! PC RULES!!!

Yours Truly,
Date: Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 07:56:35 (EDT)
Name: lliB notnilC
Location: Washington D.C., independant Stanvistakixationery
Home Page: Everything about Cherries
Referred From: Stupid Zone
Comments: I like it AlOOTT. Would you mind stopping at my house for a little manly love? RRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!! Out of bed, Im a pussy. In Bed, Im a lion!
Yours truly, lliB
P.S. Im Horny
Date: Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 07:40:56 (EDT)
Name: Debby Guite
Location: Hamilton, Ont Canada
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: cool stuff
Date: Friday, October 29, 1999 at 13:02:22 (EDT)
Name: Rabid Chihuahua
Location: Montreal, QC Canada
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I found your site in the "worst of the web" section at This is really the worst I've ever seen. Apple would be ashamed if they knew that you were promoting Macs on this site. Yes, I'm a PC user, but I know you can do so much better than that with a Mac! The worst thing is that IT WON'T EVEN LET ME LEAVE!!! Of course I know how I can bypass your stupid exit slideshow, but newcomers might be trapped in here and have no other solution than to turn off their computer. To all the students who disagree with their teacher about this site being bad: if you ever want to design web sites as a living, you should really refine your artistic tastes. And trust me, I know what I'm talking about, I am a professional web designer myself. And to those who think this is very creative: did you even notice that this guy didn't even make most of the images himself? I think Macromedia would also be ashamed of your yucky Shockwave banner. Man, you just had to pick the cheesiest transition effects and the ugliest colors. I wonder how you do it.
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 19:54:04 (EDT)
Name: Dida Kutz
Location: San Francisco, CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Gee- I never have any time to just have *fun* on the internet-you managed to provide it-even laughed out loud! Do you have a brother?
Date: Saturday, October 16, 1999 at 03:13:08 (EDT)
Name: Celeste
Location: Pgh., PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: One Click Away
Comments: I really miss "One Click Away".
I did a search on it to find out where those great people went and your page popped up again!
Date: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 at 03:07:06 (EDT)
Name: Lynne Schreffler
Location: Everett, Pa USA
Home Page:
Referred From: ClearPhone
Date: Sunday, September 12, 1999 at 20:16:04 (EDT)
Name: Bill Appel
Location: Tampa, FL USA
Home Page: Bay Area Twirlers
Referred From: LinkExchange
Comments: I was surfing messages on Yahoo NITE
Date: Sunday, September 05, 1999 at 22:44:44 (EDT)
Name: Jim
Location: Williamsport, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: ClearPhone
Comments: I'm not a so called web critic, I find your page to be wonderful! Keep plugging that Mac platform, maybe someday we will get some respect. thanks for the link to your wifes page, really enjoyed her songs.
Date: Sunday, August 29, 1999 at 10:45:53 (EDT)
Name: Nate
Location: nantuckit, il USA
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: My GOD man.... Have you ever heard the term "excess"?
or maybe it is like the child that breaks something to get attention. that must be it. you have a web page that is total blasphemy to any web disigner, and you are proud of that. huh,. interesting aproach. might i ad that my head is spinning now from all the flickering and noises. i am an emotional wreck. i have years of counciling ahead of me to look forward to. i will send you the bill.
Date: Friday, August 27, 1999 at 06:12:11 (EDT)
Name: Brian
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Im from Xavier College, i think your page is pretty sick man. our tacher reckons theres too much animation and stuff, and that the frames are annoying.
but personally i reckon your page is better than most you'd find on servers like Geocities, Angelfire and Tripod.
Date: Sunday, August 22, 1999 at 22:45:41 (EDT)
Name: Brian
Location: Adelaide, SA Australia
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I like the page mate, our teacher says its bad and for an assignment we gotta say all the things wrong with it
Date: Friday, August 20, 1999 at 01:49:40 (EDT)
Name: luke manson
Location: weimar, germany
Home Page:
Referred From: Hell
Comments: I disagree with the teacher this page is great
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 22:08:25 (EDT)
Name: Mel
Location: Somewhereovertherainbow, ??? themoon
Home Page: NONE
Referred From: Hell
Comments: okay, so I surfed in from hell. Dont hold that against me!!! I
I'm really a nice person when you get to know me. HI JULIE. HI KELLY.
Oh well
seeya all
luv MEL
Date: Friday, August 13, 1999 at 01:33:48 (EDT)
Name: zander
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: HELLO.
Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 14:42:41 (EDT)
Name: Bill Brown
Location: Odenton, MD USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I really like the dynamics of your site.
Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 07:26:14 (EDT)
Name: phunk
Location: vienna, austria
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: this site is the the worst ever seen, i followed bad sites link- this one was number1!
get off the web, sucker - that«s the reason the web gets the place for idiots, cause of people like you
Date: Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 09:59:54 (EDT)
Name: stacy spolnik
Location: zionville, in USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: wow.
Date: Friday, July 09, 1999 at 16:50:37 (EDT)
Name: MP
Location: Los Angeles, CA USA
E-Mail: n/a
Home Page:
Referred From: Deepspaceweb
Comments: Good God, mon! You sure you're not an inmate at that mental health center?? This is truly scary stuff.
Date: Wednesday, July 07, 1999 at 17:02:02 (EDT)
Name: Kirby Spencer
Location: Exeter, CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: ClearPhone
Comments: Hi Jim,
My family and I are enjoying your site, especially the Karaoke. I was wondering if I could get info on how to set up a Karaoke player and where do you get your music?
Date: Sunday, July 04, 1999 at 13:05:03 (EDT)
Name: Smeagol
Location: Mordor
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Sucks. Damn it. It all sucks. Everything sucks. God damn
Macintosh. Grrr it sucks i tell you. I feel the evil eye of
Mac is upon me now. And i shall leave in fear. You should all be in fear. Go away folks - nothing to see here.
Date: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 at 17:36:31 (EDT)
Name: Kylie Parkinson
Location: Newcastle, NSW Australia
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 at 07:35:32 (EDT)
Name: Ken
Location: Lima, OH USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: This is a great page. . . one of the best Macintosh sites I've see. . . Keep up the good work.
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 21:52:06 (EDT)
Name: Kevin P. Oglesby
Location: Phoenix, Az USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Microsoft Network
Comments: very interesting, and time consuming. i was directed to your site by an online internet class. your site is being used as an example of a great website format. thanks, great job!!
Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 at 00:50:16 (EDT)
Name: Starr
Location: Bay City, MI USA
Home Page: Starr-Rhapsody Creations
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Busy page, Jim! :^)
Date: Sunday, June 06, 1999 at 14:19:09 (EDT)
Location: BRONX, NY USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Thursday, June 03, 1999 at 23:04:13 (EDT)
Name: J.Patrick Clancy
Location: Los Angeles, Ca USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 21:04:03 (EDT)
Name: Rflesh
Location: Sacramento, CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: ClearPhone
Comments: I rarely post in the guestbook, because I visit so many web sites. However, I had to stop and appluad the efforts of a true artist. I truely enjoyed it, it is a prime example of many of the things someone can do on the net making their own web page. Great work very Kitsch and informative. BTW MAC's rule.
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 04:22:05 (EDT)
Name: Billy Bob Harding
Location: Seattle, WA USA
Home Page: none
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Did a search for bad websites and yours came up as number 1.
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 12:54:20 (EDT)
Name: Harley lott
Location: Snellville, ga USA
Home Page: LOtt's of West Virginia
Comments: Just checking out your guestbook
Date: Saturday, May 08, 1999 at 19:08:50 (EDT)
Name: bo weevil
Location: USA
E-Mail: dont have one
Home Page:
Comments: your page is even worse than mine
Date: Friday, May 07, 1999 at 10:27:04 (EDT)
Name: Just a surfer...
Location: Venice, CA USA
Home Page:
Comments: What a fun site!

I like the tools area, and the automatically current info (like, time, date, weather).

Date: Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 23:47:43 (EDT)
Name: Brian Garland
Location: Ithaca, NY USA
Home Page:
Comments: this is a really nice page...with the exception of the mac propaganda. i suggest you either use nt server or linux.

Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 18:08:40 (EDT)
Name: kastro
Location: Havana, Cuba
Home Page: Metamorphic Productions
Comments: my grandma loves your music :P
Date: Monday, April 19, 1999 at 03:59:08 (EDT)
Name: Carlos
Location: Sao Paulo, SP Brazil
Home Page: meus trabalhos (our works)
Comments: liked so much ! great site .
Date: Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 21:50:42 (EDT)
Location: f, finland
Home Page:
Comments: it's the ugliest page i have ever seen
Date: Friday, April 16, 1999 at 13:58:32 (EDT)
Name: Ian.A.Davison
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Home Page:
Comments: Hello, im here sitting at colledge and we are doing a thing about web pages and have to look around a lot of them, Unfortunatley this site was on a list given to us of the worst web sites, personaly I dont think its that bad, bye.
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 04:43:10 (EDT)
Name: Stuart AGAIN
Location: Melbourne, OZ
E-Mail: it's down below
Home Page: APT Australian Photographic Tours
Comments: Oops, I hit the wrong button.
Visit my place of work

Date: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 08:27:23 (EDT)
Name: Abe
Location: New York City, USA
Home Page:
Comments: The idiots that actually type in there negative comments
about your site are not only stupid, but unmannered as well.
My mother taught me 'when you have nothing nice to say about
someone, say nothing at all about them".
This is especially appropriate considering how
non-constructive the criticisms appear to be; why bother
saying 'it sucks' if you have no advice on how to improve it?
It seems quite appropriate that these ignorami are PC users;
some of them are actually sufficiently unevolved as to
'think' (to the word loosely) that PCs are better than Macs!

And if you want some _constructive_ criticism, then I suggest
you make this comments box larger. It`s too small! (smile)
Date: Friday, April 09, 1999 at 22:06:49 (EDT)
Name: howley balls houseden
Location: melbourne, vi Australia
Home Page: 2 Artists 1 cat
Comments: It's true i couldn't beleive it, my god!
Date: Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 20:14:13 (EDT)
Name: Mac Hater
Location: I really hate macs, USA
E-Mail: I hate mac
Home Page:
Comments: I heard this was one of the worst sites ever and boy were they right.And one more thing PCs rock!!!!
Date: Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 08:33:46 (EDT)
Name: Jessica Feldman
Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hell
Comments: Just think, I could have gone to med school and learned all this neat stuff too!
Great site, Jim :-)

Date: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 at 20:11:58 (EST)
Name: No, i don«t want my name
Location: Frankfurt, Germany
E-Mail: to appear on *THIS* page
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Well, if there«s a hitlist of pages that will encourage the
final death of mac computers, this is my favortie #1...

Date: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 at 16:29:51 (EST)
Name: j carroll
Location: pdx, or USA
Home Page: uberhaus
Referred From: Wieviele KByte fŸr ein Leben?
Comments: Truly a badly designed site. banner ads, bandwidth wasting clutter and an utter lack of valuable or fresh content make this site almost iconoclastic in its badness. And yet, here I'm signing your guestbook. Go figure.
I guess in america mediocrity is still the best business plan of all.
And I helped. sheesh.
Date: Monday, March 01, 1999 at 04:13:25 (EST)
Name: neffitron
Location: belgravia, USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hell
Comments: this page truly scared me.
Date: Friday, February 26, 1999 at 21:28:46 (EST)
Name: Torre DeVito
Location: Burlington, NC USA
Home Page: Torre's pages
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Ha ha ha... had to come back and sign again....
As if I didn't hear Clinton's
"did not have sexual relations" quote enough on TV, I got
to hear it a few dozen more times here....
If you like that, you'd realy enjoy my site: - go to Humor and select "political
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 1999 at 22:37:47 (EST)
Name: Torre DeVito
Location: Burlington, NC USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey Jim! Great page, more bells and whistles
than the last time I stopped by....
check out my site:

Date: Wednesday, February 24, 1999 at 22:27:19 (EST)
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: You're on a list of worst web sites - now let me out of here!
Date: Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 21:09:32 (EST)
Name: Tschisi
Location: x, x x
E-Mail: a@a.a
Home Page: x
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Try to learn Real WEB-Design
without that POSING of useless Technology
you stupid (insert some EVIL words here) !!!!
Date: Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 23:08:21 (EST)
Name: david mcgibbon
Location: edinburgh, scotland
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: specially liked the bill clintin animation
Date: Wednesday, February 03, 1999 at 09:34:18 (EST)
Name: Cynthia DeSantis
Location: Rochester, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Jeff made me look!
Date: Saturday, January 30, 1999 at 23:50:44 (EST)
Name: Timothy V. Kreitz
Location: Midland, TX USA
Home Page: Fortress Kreitz
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I realized that I forgot to sign your guest book after I emailed you, so I came back. I liken this sight to a forty year old man buying a corvette.
It's fantastic, yet it's just too much. Like I joked with you before, it gave me a siezure! Ha! Keep up the good work. If anything, the technical nature of this sight is evidence of the superiority of Macintosh. I have to go now, all the blinking and animation is giving me vertigo. Bye!
Date: Tuesday, January 05, 1999 at 16:25:32 (EST)
Name: colleen
Location: hamilton, on canada
Home Page: Abbey Road
Referred From: Jason's Hall of WWW Shame
Comments: They're right!!!
This IS the worst web site I've ever seen!!!
Keep up the great work!!
Date: Sunday, January 03, 1999 at 20:15:54 (EST)
Name: Phillip Machingura
Location: Harare,, Zimbabwe
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Saturday, November 21, 1998 at 07:24:07 (EST)
Name: babybat6
Location: ballston spa, ny USA
E-Mail: anwarmjn2
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: um.... ok, whatever... what was that about????????!!!!
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 1998 at 09:12:04 (EST)
Name: Charlie Tibshirani/„•ght¤hŠd‘
Location: Palo Alto, CA USA
Home Page: NightShade's Place @ XOOM
Referred From: WWW Storyboard
Comments: Hi Mr. Jacobson,

I really like your site, It's very well done. I hope your advice works :-) Talk to you soon.


Please visit my site:


Charlie Tibshirani/„•ght¤hŠd‘
Date: Friday, October 23, 1998 at 23:46:49 (EDT)
Name: mike
Location: USA
Home Page: need to get one
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: id like to make my own page but dont know how
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 1998 at 07:57:36 (EDT)
Name: Shawn Knox
Location: North Huntingdon, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey,
Just checking out your web page, It's very cool!!!!!
I'll see you @ the club.
Shawn ( The best bartender in all the land!!!!!)

Date: Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 01:07:07 (EDT)
Name: Kodiak
Location: Houlten, me USA
Home Page: Ultimate
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey Great Site I dont have a Mac but it is good you support them
Date: Saturday, September 19, 1998 at 17:04:16 (EDT)
Name: JAB
Location: Germany
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Horrible !
Date: Wednesday, September 09, 1998 at 16:20:03 (EDT)
Name: Willard c. Hooks, Jr.
Location: mishawaka, IN USA
Home Page: audiology / neuroscience pages
Referred From: Made with Macintosh
Comments: It has been several months since Idiscovered your page last year. It has been encouraging in this maze of "windows." I heard somewhere...."I use windows by force and a Mac by choice." Your page is a breath of fresh air. Keep up the good work.
Date: Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 00:09:56 (EDT)
Name: chris best
Location: cocoa, fl USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Enjoyed your various tricks and multimedia...
the mac shall endure
Date: Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 13:13:58 (EDT)
Name: Daniel Krach
Location: Alhambra , CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: ClearPhone
Comments: Macs Rule (but I'm sure anyone reading this already knows that)
Date: Saturday, July 18, 1998 at 19:08:59 (EDT)
Name: Lydia O'Rourke
Location: Mount Pearl, NF Canada
Home Page: Lydia's Home Page
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: I don't agree with your page being in the hall of shame.
It's a great page. Although it is a great way to advertise
and gain exposure. Keep up the good work.

Date: Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 13:43:23 (EDT)
Name: Riechert,Michael,MD
Location: Munich, BY Germany
Home Page:
Referred From: Talker
Comments: Dear Jim,
Excuse my bad English.In brief: Your Home Page is marvellous and extraordinary.I never saw in the Web a Page with such a plenty of electronical features and solid information.But only one question? What is your profession? Psychiatrist or computer specialist? By your work you encourage me, to continue in the development of a medical Server " called Kids and Teens" in the Internet for Parents, nonmedical persons and interested young children.I am a Pediatrist with a private office in Munich.I hope ,that my work will be sponsored by Smith, Kline and Beecham.My server will be free of costs and contents all relevant themes in the from 0 until 18 years.I would be very glad , if we could correspondend by E- Mail sometimes.I promise i visit your Home Page as often I can.
Finally the wishes, greetings from Germany and congratulations
Sincerely Michael
Date: Monday, July 06, 1998 at 19:11:51 (EDT)
Name: delort
Location: igny, france
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: very nice site!congratulations!just go on this way

Date: Monday, July 06, 1998 at 06:14:34 (EDT)
Name: Wonjin
Location: Sungnam, N/A Korea (ROK)
Home Page: Clueless Page
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey, Jim...Your page is excellent. Way cool and interesting links. I have been in Pittsburgh last year so you seem to be an acquaintance. Keep up the fab work! Hope to see you in my site...take care...... (o:3

Date: Wednesday, June 24, 1998 at 10:30:15 (EDT)
Name: antoinette zeinstra
Location: groningen, nederland
Home Page:
Referred From: The Wave of the Day
Comments: I found you in the hall of shame as worst site of the day they are not compleatly wrong

Date: Thursday, June 18, 1998 at 06:03:26 (EDT)
Name: JEN
Location: Ottawa, canada
Home Page: ~************************~
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Great Page!
Date: Tuesday, June 02, 1998 at 20:20:11 (EDT)
Name: Thorstein Bergman
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Referred From: Web Tips
Comments: Most thankful; I found the Performa help page. Don't give up!

Date: Saturday, May 23, 1998 at 16:34:21 (EDT)
Name: Dave
Location: Canberra, ACT Australia
Home Page: Dave's Homepage
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Mac stuff hmmmmm. Not for me I am afraid. I am one of the sheep that followed the PC so called revolution. Still it was my first buy since my C64. Oh yes your pages. Nearly forgot. Enjoyed my stay Mac stuff included ;-) Stop by for visit sometime you and all your guestbook signers are more than welcome.
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 1998 at 22:58:12 (EDT)
Name: Gennadiy Rudenko RGV Eagle
Location: Pereslavl Zaleskiy, Russia
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: You know, I visited DaN's Hall of Shame, there is only your page, and I think, that right! Your page - is FULL DOWN!!!
Is that yours portrait on the wallpaper :) ? HA HA HA HA
If you want to send me e-mail, my adress is !!!
You are STINKER!
RGv Eagle!!!!!!
Date: Sunday, May 03, 1998 at 11:10:10 (EDT)
Name: Wendy Hoechstetter
Location: Mill Valley, CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Fun website, Jim. I normally don't sign people's guestbooks, but since Pgh. is my hometown (and still the place I consider home), my family is still there, and you've provided a few hometown links I didn't know about (especially the WTAE webcam), I just had to say hello .


Date: Sunday, April 26, 1998 at 03:25:53 (EDT)
Name: Richard Burke
Location: Colorado Springs, CO USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 1998 at 14:16:26 (EDT)
Name: Iverson Bell Jr., M.D.
Location: Atlanta, Ga USA
Home Page: Psychiatry Department and Residency at Morehouse School of Medicine
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Intersting but busy site. My page(s) were "built" by me for our residency. Another "shrink' interested in puters and the web...interesting!

IBell MD
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 1998 at 10:08:06 (EDT)
Name: Jill Beebower
Location: Garland, Tx USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Jason's Hall of WWW Shame
Comments: not as bad as the link said it was. very busy, though
Date: Friday, April 17, 1998 at 19:02:49 (EDT)
Name: Jim Retzner
Location: San Diego, CA USA
Home Page: The Home Page of Jim Retzner, O.S.A.
Referred From: Mac Tribes
Comments: Very impressive! I'm still learning. Your name jumped out at me on Mac Tribes as I have a high school classmate with an identical name. To quote Arnold: "I'll be back!"
Date: Saturday, April 11, 1998 at 01:43:39 (EDT)
Name: ~christine
Location: ny, ny USA
Home Page: ~this world and body~
Referred From: Jason's Hall of WWW Shame
Comments: yes indeedy, this is a very strangely set up site indeed! it's very brightly coloured too, er, well, it clashes with everything actually but who am i to say? well actually, i do get to say since i'm a graphic design major, hopefully someday i will get paid to tell people how frightening their work is... well, i can tell Jason that i've seen worse... cheers! ~christine
Date: Saturday, March 21, 1998 at 02:59:47 (EST)
Name: Dennis Stuhr
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Home Page: Illdisposed
Referred From: Stupid Homepages
Comments: Hello weirdo! Cool page, and a lot different than others. Jacobson...? Is that scandinavian? Hej med dig!
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 1998 at 15:38:56 (EST)
Name: Ed Schroth
Location: Pittsburg, CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: You just happened to be at the end of todays 'stream of consciousness'. Thanks again.
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 09:21:41 (EST)
Name: Matthew Shull
Location: Staunton, VA USA
Home Page: Matthew Shull's Home Page
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Jime,
You're Welcome for the Link.
Date: Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 23:42:00 (EST)
Name: Ray Kevorkian
Location: Somersworth, NH USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: The triumph of technology!
Date: Saturday, February 21, 1998 at 08:15:28 (EST)
Name: Walter Dunn
Location: New Bloomfield, Pa USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Saturday, January 31, 1998 at 02:07:39 (EST)
Name: John Swarbrick
Location: Aurora, Ont Canada
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi again Jim, I just like your site and have to keep coming back and have another look. i hope you are well . i enjoy your music. be back later.

Date: Monday, January 26, 1998 at 21:02:53 (EST)
Name: Randy Brooks
Location: Waterford, MI USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Darren's step dad John Curran sent your page to me. Probably
The best personal site I've been to keep up the awesome work
Date: Friday, January 23, 1998 at 13:35:15 (EST)
Name: Anders, Micke, Henning
Location: BollnŠs, Sweden
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi there!!!
We surfed in on your page and had a lot of fun.
Nice Karaoke songs, especially New York, New York...

Some problems to load the others but hey, really, really fun page!!!

Anders, Micke, Henning
Date: Friday, January 23, 1998 at 11:07:49 (EST)
Name: Bruce Frank
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Bunny Award
Comments: Cool page, dude!
Date: Wednesday, January 07, 1998 at 10:15:24 (EST)
Name: John Swarbrick
Location: Aurora, Ont. Canada
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Jim, I got your mail, Thanks. I like your site so much I had to come back again. I also gave the address to some of my friends up here in Canada. I will be back again & again.
Have fun & Merry Christmas to you & yours.
John Swarbrick.

Date: Saturday, December 20, 1997 at 19:08:22 (EST)
Name: John Swarbrick
Location: Aurora, Ont. CANADA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: VERY, VERY NICE web page Congrats to you both
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Date: Friday, December 19, 1997 at 21:32:55 (EST)
Name: Mike DallaValle
Location: Norway, MI USA
Home Page:
Referred From: The Virtual Macintosh
Date: Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 14:41:08 (EST)
Name: Randy Hrechka
Location: Winnipeg, MB CANADA
Home Page: Curling Tips
Referred From: ClearPhone
Comments: I'll be adding your site as a link! Great site, wish I was as talented as you.

Date: Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 01:23:15 (EST)
Name: Toby Steel
Location: Kingston, Ont Canada
Home Page: Miscellaneous "S". Our enemy is our audience.
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I wonder if you've considered the possibility that your webpage causes seizures.

Date: Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 15:26:04 (EST)
Name: Odd Robert Jakobsen
Location: Bodoe, Norway
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: just a hallo from norway, nice page.
Date: Sunday, November 30, 1997 at 10:49:02 (EST)
Name: Roch Meynard
Location: Longueuil, QC Canada
Home Page:
Referred From: ClearPhone
Comments: How does one find the titles of your three default selections?
Thank you.
Date: Wednesday, November 26, 1997 at 23:06:59 (EST)
Name: John Jenko
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Jim,
Sorry I missed you at the bar. Michial wanted to play last week but I couldn't then, so I hated to turn him down again this week.

Anyways, what's new? We haven't talked in a long time. I'm still shopping arround for a 56K or ISDN line at work, in between the programming stuff I need to do. So far I got prices from Bell Atlantic and a place called Epoch (I think). There's a lot of info it digest.

Well drop me an E-mail sometime, since you will be gone the next couple weeks.

Talk with you later.
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 22:33:53 (EST)
Name: Julia
Location: Vancouver, WA USA
Home Page: The Lavish furnishings
Referred From: Stupid Zone
Comments: Nice page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Sunday, November 16, 1997 at 18:36:29 (EST)
Name: Kenny
Location: Hong Kong, NT China
Home Page: Kenny City
Referred From: WWW Storyboard
Comments: Hi... Jim Jacobson
I come from Hong Kong, I want to tell you one things. One of computer magazine in hong kong said that your page is very bad...... So I visit, but I don't think that your page is bad,......

The magazine that said your page is bad 's name is "HOMENET"
Date: Friday, November 14, 1997 at 23:30:03 (EST)
Name: Jeremy Rauch
Location: kalispell, mt USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: you have way too much time on your hands man. i think that your page is a little too cluttery. Spread it out a little more man.
Date: Monday, November 03, 1997 at 18:07:57 (EST)
Name: Jilliy Smithe
Location: L.A., USA
E-Mail: ???
Home Page: dont have one yet
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: so far so good!
Date: Friday, October 31, 1997 at 16:50:13 (EST)
Name: William Wood
Location: North Tonawanada, ny USA
Home Page:
Referred From: ClearPhone
Date: Monday, October 27, 1997 at 19:48:15 (EST)
Name: Steve Moreau
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: How long does this take you to maintain???!! It's great.
Date: Friday, October 10, 1997 at 13:11:34 (EDT)
Name: Paul Bonomi
Location: Bethlehem, PA USA
Home Page: The Fabulous Establishment
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Well, I got here by a link at in which your page got a pretty bad review. Hope you fix it up.
Date: Sunday, October 05, 1997 at 02:05:56 (EDT)
Name: Pascal
Location: Montreal, Qc Canada
Home Page:
Referred From: Webmaster Secrets
Comments: Salutations du QuŽbec. FŽlicitations pour cette page intŽressante!!!
Date: Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 19:23:35 (EDT)
Name: Carol
Location: Columbia, SC USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Does the word "tacky" mean anything to you?
Your site gives new meaning to the phrase
"sensory overload," and it isn't pleasant.
In fact, it made me feel gaseous. Keep up the
tasteless work - it's what makes America beautiful.
Date: Friday, September 26, 1997 at 16:20:10 (EDT)
Name: Nick
Location: Urbana, Il USA
Home Page: Nick's Star Trek Page
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Nice page, and I wish I could figure out how to make the Java Script do that on my page
Date: Friday, September 26, 1997 at 14:15:22 (EDT)
Name: Aiko
Location: Munich, Germany
Home Page:
Referred From: MONKEY
Comments: I always sorry for people who made their page with a Mac.
This site shows the full potential of Mac Users ;)
Anyway, somehow it IS funny here.
Keep on working...
Date: Thursday, September 25, 1997 at 08:04:28 (EDT)
Name: Bev
Location: UK
Home Page: Bev's Homepage
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I loved your homepage. I laughed my socks off when you said get that mouse off my face LOL. Barbaras singing was great too. Keep up the good work Jim.
Date: Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 13:41:50 (EDT)
Name: Bonnie
Location: Melbourne, vic Australia
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I like to pictures and sound clips..
well done!
Date: Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 22:27:08 (EDT)
Name: Kathryn Wong
Location: Melbourne, Vic Australia
Home Page: Kat's Homepage
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Great homepage!!!!

Date: Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 22:19:53 (EDT)
Name: Martin
Location: London, UK
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I came here looking for a copy of the Grouch. I never found it but I had a great time anyway.

Date: Friday, August 29, 1997 at 10:52:18 (EDT)
Name: Viperon
Location: Elsmhorn, Germany
Home Page: I don«t have a homepage. I don«t want a homepage.
Referred From: URouLette
Comments: This is by far the most useless, ugliest and boring site
I«ve ever expierienced in my entire life. But it has a
dignity of it«s own to show something like this to the

Date: Thursday, August 28, 1997 at 18:58:19 (EDT)
Name: Andrew Welch
Location: Lichfield, UK
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Very entertaining site. I wish you and the family all the best.
I located your site from MacUser UK.
Date: Thursday, August 28, 1997 at 06:01:37 (EDT)
Name: Luke
Location: Melbourne, Vic Australia
Home Page: Lukes Homepage!
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: What can I say? Great page! :) Visit mine sometime and I'd love to swap links with you ok??? Thanks, hear from you soon!
Date: Monday, August 25, 1997 at 05:16:10 (EDT)
Name: Warwick Peters
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: F**king brilliant !
Date: Saturday, August 16, 1997 at 23:52:00 (EDT)
Name: Bree
Location: Melbourne, Vic Australia
Home Page: Jim Jacobson's Home Page
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I don't think it's very good. The music annoy's me. Plaese write back darling.
Date: Thursday, August 14, 1997 at 19:38:31 (EDT)
Name: Mike
Location: Sydney, Australia
E-Mail: never you worry
Home Page: Girly Action
Referred From: Web-Counter
Comments: Sir, I admire your work. I am humbled and awed.
Date: Thursday, August 14, 1997 at 03:05:56 (EDT)
Name: Mike And Leslie Current
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Jim:
We live in Washington DC. We stumbled onto your site by accident. We think its one of the best sites for home pages we've found so far. Thanks for entertaining us. We are originally from Pittsburgh, (South Side). Hope you don't mind we mailed your home page address to several of our friends through-out the east coast.

Mike and Leslie

P.S. How did you download your wifes song? Is it very complicated?
Date: Monday, August 11, 1997 at 21:05:03 (EDT)

Name: The Spook
Location: Okechokee, AR USA
Home Page: Spook's Heap O' Java Bullshit
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Great site! No, really, I love it! I didn't mind at all that it took 5 minutes to load, when I can get stock quotes and links to your mother in law's site all in one page! You have truly mastered the art of subtlety in Web design. I've never seen anything like it.
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 1997 at 23:54:25 (EDT)
Name: Paul McGovern
Location: Calgary, Ab Canada
Home Page: Guv's Place of Bitterness
Referred From: Hell
Comments: Jim,
Please do not take these pages down. They have provided
my friends and I with hours of entertainment. It is always a
pleasure to see a man who hasn't the faintest idea what he
is doing. Your pages are a milestone of banality.

PS: Lay off the Prozac and you could be saved.
Date: Sunday, June 15, 1997 at 21:03:05 (EDT)
Name: Kevin
Location: Jenison, MI USA
Home Page: MacMan
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Nice page and kick butt for APPLE!!!
Date: Friday, June 13, 1997 at 11:52:37 (EDT)
Name: Niloofar
Location: perth, Australia
Home Page:
Referred From: Stupid Zone
Cool Page

Love the background music. :)

very original.

Date: Tuesday, June 10, 1997 at 04:10:30 (EDT)
Name: Dae Clutchey
Location: Waterloo, on Canada
Home Page: Families in Transition
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Lots of good stuff, not fussy about the hanging tongue
Date: Friday, June 06, 1997 at 23:49:46 (EDT)
Name: John Jenko
Location: Monroeville, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey,

Checked out your home page (thanks for the address)

real nice!

Date: Saturday, May 31, 1997 at 23:14:56 (EDT)
Name: Amanda Hugankis
Location: Dicktown, IL USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hell
Date: Thursday, May 22, 1997 at 08:49:37 (EDT)
Name: David Schmid
Location: Des Plaines, IL USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Stupid Zone
Comments: This is page is not stupid at all! This is the best page I've ever seen!
Date: Thursday, May 22, 1997 at 08:29:27 (EDT)
Name: VanWeng
Location: Bkk, Thailand
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I am also Frim Pittsburgh (wexford)
Date: Saturday, May 17, 1997 at 07:21:50 (EDT)
Name: Heidi G
Location: Bismarck, ND USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Saturday, May 10, 1997 at 19:30:24 (EDT)
Name: John D McCarron
Location: Mesa, AZ USA
Home Page:
Referred From: ClearPhone
Date: Friday, May 09, 1997 at 22:27:39 (EDT)
Name: Tim Boothe
Location: Odessa, tx USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Nice home page very enjoyable!!!!!!!!
Date: Friday, April 25, 1997 at 21:06:27 (EDT)
Name: Dweezil
Location: Toronto, Candada
Home Page: The Black Hole
Referred From: Wayne's World
Comments: Great page! I wish mine was this good!
Date: Saturday, March 29, 1997 at 11:25:55 (EST)
Name: Karen Tokarse
Location: Atlanta, GA USA
Home Page: Bill & Karen Tokarse's Web Site
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Hall of Shame? They've got to be kidding. One of the most entertaining sites I've seen yet. I've got you bookmarked, and I've stolen every damn thing I could. Still looking for those animated gifs though.
Date: Wednesday, March 19, 1997 at 21:08:17 (EST)
Name: Pranab Bagchi
Location: Rochester, NY USA
Home Page: Pranab Bagchi's Home Page
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi there Jim: Very nice site indeed. Enjoyed my visit! A great sites is
always a joy to visit. The Bagman

PS: Vist me and leave me your mark so that I can visit you again! Loved
your background. Stole it! Thanks!

Date: Sunday, March 09, 1997 at 15:52:02 (EST)
Name: Russ Finney
Location: Austin, TX USA
Home Page: itm.. information technology management
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: This is a fun, interesting site! Stop by itm sometime for some dry reading...

Date: Saturday, March 08, 1997 at 15:16:31 (EST)
Name: Frank Top
Location: Gent, -- Belgium
Home Page: The home of the SuperFrank
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
or as we say in little ol' Belgium : 'de max'
if you have any time left, please visit my page (unfortunately due to some stupid decree unaccessable during the weekend, but we're convincing the university to change mind)

Love the 'Take 5'.

Date: Saturday, March 08, 1997 at 09:04:24 (EST)
Name: kenneth vilhelmsen
Location: svendborg, dk denmark
E-Mail: bbo1628
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Wednesday, March 05, 1997 at 19:09:03 (EST)
Name: dozerdog
Location: Piqua, Oh USA
Home Page:
Referred From: ClearPhone
Date: Monday, March 03, 1997 at 01:54:35 (EST)
Name: hartwig stehn
Location: hamburg, D germany
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: respect for this mountain of work.
are you a professional in website-design or is it just for fun?
i like very much that you use all that new possibilities you can
have on a website. it«s always a pleasure to visite your site.
so, best wishes from germany
Date: Friday, February 28, 1997 at 04:13:39 (EST)
Name: Rasmus Strange Petersen
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I like your mac-links
It's nice to see that you are using
a real computer, insted of a 80x86 shit computer
Date: Friday, February 28, 1997 at 02:43:40 (EST)
Name: David Steblyk
Location: Edmonton, AB Canuck
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I'm not sure what I've just found, but I am definately
Date: Thursday, February 27, 1997 at 19:48:42 (EST)
Name: Elvis Bubba
Location: memphis, tn USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Very kewl site!! I hope new better bandwidth in future will make these kind of sites more practical to build. Much slow to download, but worth it, if you're not in a hurry.
Date: Monday, February 24, 1997 at 13:25:34 (EST)
Name: Dmitry
Location: New York, NY USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Wery interesting
Date: Sunday, February 23, 1997 at 02:55:40 (EST)
Name: R. Dean
Location: Salt Lake City, UT USA
Home Page: Chez Roger
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: WOW! The tools are there for everyone, but you use them.
I'm impressed. I wish you well. I think the naysayers wish
they knew how to be this creative.
Date: Friday, February 21, 1997 at 22:05:17 (EST)
Name: Cosmo
Location: Feasterville, PA USA
Home Page: The Cosmos Project
Referred From: Captain Internet
Comments: Wow! All those "how did you find me?" choices and not an Lpage or guestbook among them!

Actually, your page is really good. I'm jealous! :)

Date: Wednesday, February 19, 1997 at 18:38:38 (EST)
Name: Mike Krath
Location: Changwon, South Korea
Home Page: The American Spirit and Other Stories
Referred From: Internet Link Exchange
Comments: Very entertaining site!
Date: Thursday, February 13, 1997 at 21:34:01 (EST)
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Date: Thursday, February 13, 1997 at 06:48:33 (EST)
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Cruel Site of the Day
Comments: What's the point of using Einstein's goofy picture for wallpaper? Spunk target practice?
Date: Monday, February 10, 1997 at 19:49:22 (EST)
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Sunday, February 09, 1997 at 21:10:01 (EST)
Name: Dan
Location: Bear, de USA
Home Page: Click and see
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Whoa! Whos that funny dude with the hair!
Date: Sunday, February 09, 1997 at 13:33:08 (EST)
Name: El UnaBart
Location: Dallas, TX USA
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: It's like Sesame Street on acid.
Who does a shrink see when he need one himself?
The picture of your wife was nice. Does she fly and talk too?
Date: Sunday, February 09, 1997 at 04:27:48 (EST)
Name: Rex
Location: New Haven, MO> USA
Home Page:
Referred From: URouLette
Date: Saturday, February 08, 1997 at 19:21:20 (EST)
Name: susan
Location: Kansas City, MO USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Ghastly! Simply ghastly. I am speechless with horror. Tip: when *everything* is exaggerated, *nothing* is exaggerated. Get it?
Date: Sunday, February 02, 1997 at 23:24:22 (EST)
Name: Dennis Branch, Jr.
Location: Gautier, MS USA
Home Page: A Southern Web Page
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Great Page !! I love the animated face. Wonderful job, you are truely talented. Tell Barbara she is a great singer.
Date: Sunday, February 02, 1997 at 13:48:55 (EST)
Home Page: Page perso d'HervŽ THOMAS
Referred From: Internet Link Exchange
Comments: great great page !!!!
very nice work !
i'm very impressed !

Date: Friday, January 31, 1997 at 21:17:24 (EST)
Name: Betsy Jacobson
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi. checking out your page at work...warren is a real fan. I'm planning on visiting alan & marci soon. bye. Love, betsy
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 1997 at 15:24:57 (EST)
Name: Frank Thorne
Location: Hackettstown, NJ USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Your page is so phat.
Date: Monday, January 27, 1997 at 14:52:53 (EST)
Name: Chacrit Sitdhiwej
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: What I can say for the time being is it is a cool page.
Date: Saturday, January 25, 1997 at 19:39:34 (EST)
Location: Australia
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Pretty Weird! Are you taking lithium? Are you REALLY a Director of Psychiatry?
Date: Saturday, January 25, 1997 at 02:30:05 (EST)
Name: Josh
Location: Lawrenceville, GA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Whats the point of this page. I like bells and whistles, but you really overdid it.
Date: Saturday, January 25, 1997 at 00:36:08 (EST)
Name: Fred McKinney
Location: Columbia, MO USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: I *love* your website! It's absolutely bonkers! I assume you must have a really weird sense of humor like me. es I've ever seen, it's certainly one of them . Have you ever thought about doing this for a living? Seriously, I think you'd be in high demand for creating web pages.
Date: Thursday, January 23, 1997 at 23:25:07 (EST)
Name: Dan Bidwell
Location: LeSueur, MN USA
Home Page: Dan Bidwell's Internet Site
Referred From: Internet Link Exchange
Comments: You have a realy great site! Keeps the user bussy!
Very interactive, and fun! Way to go!
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 1997 at 15:39:32 (EST)
Name: Chris Corea
Location: Raymond, CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I am enjoying your musical selections
while checking out your site. I was
referred to it by my sister. This is one
of the best multimedia sites I have yet
encountered on the "net". Lots of great
color, movies, stereo, chat, etc. It's people
like you who make the Internet the
exciting place it is to browse around!
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 1997 at 00:37:36 (EST)
Name: Matt Brogli
Location: Raleigh, N.C. USA
E-Mail: I don't know
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: It was nifty.
Date: Friday, January 17, 1997 at 22:09:14 (EST)
Name: Linda McCutchen
Location: Fresno, CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Great web page! I have been sending your URL to all my
friend; hoping they enjoy it as much as I am.
Date: Thursday, January 16, 1997 at 23:48:46 (EST)
Name: Richard Long
Location: Golden, CO USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Love the music!

Date: Saturday, January 11, 1997 at 22:39:09 (EST)
Name: Stanley H. Nadulek, Ph.D.
Location: Gibsonia, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Jim :
You have a very interesting home page. I love the three stooges!
Date: Saturday, January 11, 1997 at 16:08:32 (EST)
Name: Kenneth E. Roberts
Location: Burlington, Vt USA
Home Page: Tiger's Territory
Referred From: Talker
Comments: Very cool site, I'm inspired!
Date: Saturday, January 11, 1997 at 13:58:59 (EST)
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I liked your page.well done.
Date: Monday, January 06, 1997 at 04:49:20 (EST)
Name: Lowprofile
Location: Bellingham, wa USA
Home Page: Chris' Link To Supreme Knowledge
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Youre page Youre page is a link from the geek of the week homepage. nice going.
Date: Thursday, January 02, 1997 at 19:34:22 (EST)
Name: Aman Sabharwal
Location: Kansas City, MO USA
Home Page: Aman's Homepage
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: cool page!!!
Date: Monday, December 30, 1996 at 01:28:03 (EST)
Name: Don Posey
Location: Double Springs, AL USA
Home Page: The Home Page of Don Posey
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Jim,
Very nicely done. Your use of frames is tasteful. Not just frames for the sake of frames.
Date: Monday, December 30, 1996 at 01:03:50 (EST)
Name: Jeff
Location: Bowie, MD USA
Home Page: Jeff's Page
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Great page. I like the way that you use apple technologies to enhance the feel and enjoyment of the page. I feel sorry for the poor people who come here with ancient browsers.
Date: Sunday, December 29, 1996 at 18:20:17 (EST)
Name: Patti Sessions
Location: MT USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Cool site! I don't care what the "Shame" folks say, I like this site. Now how do I change the tune...?
Date: Sunday, December 22, 1996 at 23:44:38 (EST)
Name: carol hodes
Location: state college, pa USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Sunday, December 22, 1996 at 13:44:01 (EST)
Name: J.H.
Location: Salwa, Kuwait
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Cool page well done, I'm surprised I have not heard of it before.
Thanks ...
American In Kuwait..
Date: Saturday, December 21, 1996 at 13:32:33 (EST)
Name: Stan Ott
Location: Pontiac, Mi USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Good homepage,regardless of your ten worst homepage listing
found it interesting, and useful,,Shall mark it!
Date: Sunday, December 15, 1996 at 18:15:21 (EST)
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: that background is annoying. Please, find a calmer, seamless one
Date: Monday, December 09, 1996 at 01:54:48 (EST)
Name: D.J. Crosby
Location: Kingsville, Ont CANADA
Referred From: Piano on the Net
Comments: I like the "Hey, get that mouse off my face!" I had to laugh at that!
Date: Tuesday, December 03, 1996 at 12:38:00 (EST)
Name: Gary Leibold
Location: Cincinnati, OHOH USA
Home Page: Trojan Home Page
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Hey Jim,
I liked it, don't pay attention to those poor people who can't have fun!
Keep it up, we need more fun in our lives.
Date: Saturday, November 30, 1996 at 19:59:43 (EST)
Name: Axel Westergard
Location: Land O Lakes, FL USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: They say art is anything that gets reactions from people. Your page certainly
does arouse strong feelings and should be considered an example of this
budding, internet artform -- webpages. Its hard to believe you did all of it yourself!
Overall its been the most entertaining website I've visited. I have only one
suggestion. I really needed an online help system to help me get around in it. Have you
thought about adding one? Anyway you are having a great influence in the evolution
of Webpage degsign. Keep it up!
Date: Saturday, November 30, 1996 at 19:37:49 (EST)
Name: Mike Milenkovic
Location: Newton, NJ USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Friday, November 29, 1996 at 22:25:25 (EST)
Name: michael payne
Location: englewood, fl USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I L-O-V-E your page; it's by far the best I've seen in my travels on the web. I will be back. Keep up the great work.
Date: Thursday, November 28, 1996 at 23:29:52 (EST)
Name: Larry Faulkner
Location: Church Hill, MMd USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: There are several people who live here in Church Hill who are originally from Pittsburg PA. I'm new to the internet and don't have a full understanding of how to get a URL. Is it the same as my Email address? I don't really have any cool ideas as to what I'd like my theme to be since I'm not commercial or anything. You have a cool setup.
Date: Tuesday, November 26, 1996 at 13:58:40 (EST)
Name: Dave Smyth
Location: Melbourne, VIC Australia
Home Page:
Referred From: Cyber Beer's Award
Comments: Cool Dude!
Date: Tuesday, November 26, 1996 at 03:05:19 (EST)
Name: Bernadette Turner
Location: Liverpool, U.K.
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Nice work. I'm only a beginer and I'm not sure waht frames are etc.Do I need abetter version of netscape?
Its snowing in Liverpool at the moment and yesterday the government banded the private ownership of all handguns
bar 2.2mm pistols that are used for sporting events.
Date: Friday, November 22, 1996 at 08:55:24 (EST)
Name: Nicole
Location: Oxford, MS USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Your color changing pattern is sickening to view. Have you ever taken a design class it would immensly help your page.
Date: Wednesday, November 20, 1996 at 20:59:05 (EST)
Name: Andy Kilmer
Location: University Park, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: What's up. I'm from the Burgh too. Ignore the Hall of Shame; this is not bad.
Date: Sunday, November 17, 1996 at 18:03:19 (EST)
Name: Lance Jones
Location: Adelaide, SA Australia
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: wow
Date: Thursday, November 14, 1996 at 06:34:34 (EST)
Name: Dave Tuchman
Location: charlevoix, mi USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: damned good thing you're not a clintonite. shows your head is on right. love the page, you're now a bookmark to show off to my friends.
Date: Tuesday, November 05, 1996 at 20:53:53 (EST)
Name: Jerry Beduch
Location: Vandergrift, PA USA
Home Page: The Myster Link Warlock
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey Jim! You've got a great site here! I haven't had this
much fun at a site in a long time! Even Cassie gave it
four woofs! Keep up the good work!!!!!

Date: Sunday, November 03, 1996 at 19:44:22 (EST)
Name: Simon Talbot
Location: Beverly Hills, CA USA
Referred From: ClearPhone
Comments: WOOOOOOOOW! WHAT a page !!! This place is great, its kewl what yo can do with a MAC !

Date: Sunday, November 03, 1996 at 14:48:16 (EST)
Name: Martin Brait
Location: Penn Valley, PA 19072
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Wow! loads of bells and wistlesand lots of fun. Keep up the good work
Date: Saturday, November 02, 1996 at 11:05:32 (EST)
Name: Daren Q.
Location: Stockton, CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: I don't care what the Hall of Shame says,I thought your site
was an interesting experience. Afterall, isn't this supposed
to be fun? If you had fun putting it together, and I had fun
wandering around inside of it,who's to judge? The way I see
it, you have to consider the source.We all know from your
opening statement what you do for a living, and with that in
mind I just accept the fact that you're an obsessive/
compulsive,right? Have fun Jim........
What a long strange trip it's been........
Date: Saturday, November 02, 1996 at 08:35:30 (EST)
Name: Dick Echols
Location: Henderson, NV USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Enjoyed your page! -- And I always interested in Mac links!

I got here from Clear Phone page.

Dick Echols
Date: Thursday, October 31, 1996 at 00:16:46 (EST)
Name: Nick Levy
Location: Skokie, Il USA
Home Page: Nick Levy Super Star Trek Page
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Your page is far and away the best page I have ever seen!!!
Date: Wednesday, October 30, 1996 at 02:06:09 (EST)
Name: Erica Tamasiunas
Location: Farmington, NH USA
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: hey i think your homepage is cool e-mail me sometime

Date: Tuesday, October 29, 1996 at 17:45:19 (EST)
Name: Carolene Collins
Location: Huntington, WV USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Great!

Love the music.

The best I'v seen (or heard) yet.
Date: Monday, October 28, 1996 at 22:57:24 (EST)
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Judging from the comments you're getting I'm reminded of that famous quote..."You can please all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time". Good job! Do it your way! MADERMAN
Date: Monday, October 28, 1996 at 10:44:38 (EST)
Name: Karl Ostmo
Location: Wahpeton, ND USA
Home Page: Karl's Page
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: This page defitnately does NOT deserve to be in the Hall of Shame. It's awesome!!!!!. And that GIF as an e-mail hyperlink! Where did you find it?? I have a page myself, and I think I'll put a link to this on it. If you wanna see mine, it's also, you have to find a better sound for the Three Stooges to make.
Date: Sunday, October 27, 1996 at 16:38:15 (EST)
Name: Jeff Luebke
Location: plano, tx USA
Home Page: No Personal Page Yet
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Sure have learned alot about designing web pages, by surfing
past your neck of the woods....

This site does everything but dance with you....

(And Ill bet youre working on that!)

Im going to live today like there's no tomorrow (Thanks Barbara)

Buckle down, and finally get my own web page done!

Nice job Jim!

Our Golden Lab Schnootles Says "HI!"

Date: Thursday, October 24, 1996 at 20:38:25 (EDT)
Name: tara curtis
Location: larkspur, CA USA
Home Page: Tara curits
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: your page is so cool, i wish i knew how to make all that
cool stuff
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 1996 at 12:39:37 (EDT)
Name: jane ann jacobson cochran
Location: lindale, ga USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: just seeing if I can find anyone related to my grandfather.
sure hope they have a good sense of hummor like you.
If it might be possible please help. Thank you.
Date: Monday, October 21, 1996 at 23:00:30 (EDT)
Name: Jim Jacobson
Location: La Selva Beach, CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Anybody with the same name as me can't be all bad.
Date: Monday, October 21, 1996 at 21:45:15 (EDT)
Name: Andrea Senchyna
Location: TO, ON Canada
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Look, this page isn't so bad!! It's rather cute...
Date: Friday, October 18, 1996 at 19:49:06 (EDT)
Name: Cristofolini Andrea
Location: Bologna, ITALY
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Tricky
Date: Wednesday, October 16, 1996 at 06:21:54 (EDT)
Name: John Guidi
Location: Memphis , TN USA
Home Page:
Referred From: ViewMovie
Comments: MOST EXCELLENT SITE/PAGE!!! Clever enough for me. When the web gets really fast, you will be ready for it. Could stand a little more explanation on 4 sound players in top frame, etc. You most have a very light patient load. Where do you GET the time for this? 6:00amCST 10/12/96, Regards, ........elvis
Date: Saturday, October 12, 1996 at 07:06:04 (EDT)
Name: Elana Isaacson
Location: Harrisonburg, VA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: i absolutely love the music. it's just so adorable and
makes me smile.
Date: Saturday, October 12, 1996 at 02:25:56 (EDT)
Name: Sebi
Location: Scotch Plains, NJ USA
Home Page: Stone Roses
Referred From: Just Surfed On In

Date: Sunday, October 06, 1996 at 21:55:00 (EDT)
Name: Sis Warshaw
Location: Dallas, TX USA
Home Page: The BIg Train
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: I don't think it's so bad. Come by my site for a freee
CD by THE BIG TRAIN. Just tell me it's you and I'll send you one.

Date: Saturday, October 05, 1996 at 17:17:46 (EDT)
Location: KOREA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: HELLO~~
Do you konw korea & korean?
«¸ ‚„±Õ¡œ ‚„±ÕËëËÈ ²®«å¡Á?-This is Korean
We'll champion
See you later

Date: Tuesday, October 01, 1996 at 02:53:56 (EDT)
Name: Rodger Prestiy
Location: Saint Louis, Mo USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Wow!!!

Good job, creative, and FULL utilization of technology. I am partially stunned.

Thanks for putting this out, and all the work you put into it. Regards to the fam.

Date: Monday, September 30, 1996 at 12:51:04 (EDT)
Name: shelia
Location: baton rouge, la USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Sunday, September 29, 1996 at 23:08:20 (EDT)
Name: Elizabeth Rogers
Location: Estes Park, CO USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Talker
Comments: Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I visit. You're nuts. I love it. I'm experimenting with (gasp) Internet Explorer 2.1 for Mac today. Seeing if I can find the plug-ins I need to fully experience your zaniness. My regards to your (must-be) patient wife and family!
Date: Sunday, September 29, 1996 at 12:32:34 (EDT)
Name: Gail D, Malinoski
Location: Sarver, PA USA
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: You may want to consider contacting a "Human Computer Interaction and User Interface Design" specialist.
Date: Saturday, September 28, 1996 at 21:27:49 (EDT)
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Jill, John, Jon, and Phil were here.
Date: Saturday, September 28, 1996 at 11:36:37 (EDT)
Name: Dirk Mahling
Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Your www page needs some work by a Human Computer Interaction professional.
Date: Saturday, September 28, 1996 at 11:20:20 (EDT)
Name: Jonathan Dear
Location: London, USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Great. How did you fit in a life with all this?
Date: Saturday, September 28, 1996 at 10:19:41 (EDT)
Name: Crystal Shipman
Location: Birmingham, MI USA
E-Mail: crystal@netfactory.con
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Friday, September 27, 1996 at 12:48:01 (EDT)
Name: Cassandra Gaddy
Location: Columbia, Mo USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Odd....
Date: Thursday, September 26, 1996 at 22:21:12 (EDT)
Name: Susan Birnbaum
Location: Geneseo, NY USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: This site is...ADORABLE!
Date: Thursday, September 26, 1996 at 20:46:01 (EDT)
Name: F. Claudette Richard
Location: Los Angeles, CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Very busy RAMming hard interesting page.
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 1996 at 11:44:15 (EDT)
Name: Lisa Walker
Location: garland, Tx USA
Home Page:
Referred From: JB's Home Page
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 1996 at 10:14:39 (EDT)
Name: Randall LeJeune
Location: Plaquemine, LA USA
Home Page: don't got one
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: ?
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 1996 at 08:40:45 (EDT)
Name: Jim Roberts
Location: Berlin, WI USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Just wanted to let you know it must get you more hits, being in the Hall of shame
Date: Tuesday, September 24, 1996 at 15:08:05 (EDT)
Location: new orleans, la USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: strange little space,but hey I marked it!!!
Date: Sunday, September 22, 1996 at 01:19:11 (EDT)
Name: Hasse
Location: …rebro, SWEDEN
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Tjena!
Date: Friday, September 20, 1996 at 08:38:15 (EDT)
Name: Jerry Leik
Location: Mulliken, MI USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 1996 at 13:52:21 (EDT)
Name: Steven Ting
Location: Hong Kong, E-Mail:
Home Page: Hong Kong Telecom
Referred From: ClearPhone
Comments: The Fao Schwarz of homepages.
Date: Tuesday, September 17, 1996 at 21:38:35 (EDT)
Name: Bob Sweeney
Location: Wilmington, DE USA
Home Page: bobpage.htm
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: how do you all those things, like the mail and getting sound to play.
Date: Monday, September 16, 1996 at 08:54:49 (EDT)
Name: theo van galen
Location: Stedebroec, Netherlands
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: A lot of info for one page...but interesting!!!
I'll be back....
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 1996 at 17:32:39 (EDT)
Name: Mike Pierce
Location: Long Beach, CA USA
Home Page: A New and Improved Chaos
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Blink is Evil
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 1996 at 04:59:09 (EDT)
Name: David Murray
Location: Mt. Lebanon, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Nice page...Glen Rozeck, a co-worker, referred me. Lots of useful links
Date: Sunday, September 01, 1996 at 09:39:50 (EDT)
Name: photoguy
Location: Newton, IA USA
Home Page: Photoguy's Place On the Net
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Love the new music. New York New York is a favorite
of mine. now I can singalong and maybe I'll be famous.
Date: Sunday, September 01, 1996 at 01:28:12 (EDT) Name: John Dixon
Location: Spokane, WA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Interesting...a bit slow to load (too much content?)...but no where near the top of the hall of shame.
Date: Wednesday, August 21, 1996 at 01:07:17 (EDT)
Name: Glenn Sackett
Location: Kailua, HI USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Monday, August 19, 1996 at 22:49:10 (EDT)
Name: Paul Rumford
Location: Mississauga, ON Canada
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: The fact that so many people like your page disturbs me.
I myself could NOT make a better homepage, which is why
I don't have one of my own. One piece of advice, though.
It's cliche, but it's true:
(the most annoying thing about your page is the leftmost
frame...WAY too small...I need a magnifying glass to use it)

Date: Monday, August 19, 1996 at 00:16:47 (EDT)
Name: Reid Klion
Location: Indianapolis, IN USA
Home Page:
Referred From: HWS Alum Links
Comments: Jimmy J: Greetings from about 16 years ago (Hobart Delta Chi '82 and all that)! I happened across your name on the HWS homepage.
We somehow have gravitated to similar work (Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology) working at the imploding about-to-be post-apocalyptic VA here.
Will provide more data later if interested. Been married 10 years with a 3 year old daughter (Hannah). Isn't cyberspace grand!

Date: Sunday, August 18, 1996 at 18:39:23 (EDT)
Name: Ned
Location: Ireland
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: It's really unfair that you were given a "Best of the
Worst" for your homepage. Mine is much worse! It is crude,
contains loads of insulting comments, AND looks like it was
designed by a 4 year old. So don't let them get you down...
Because I am The King when it comes to awful homepages

Date: Sunday, August 18, 1996 at 18:00:57 (EDT)
Name: John Tenney
Location: Orlando, FL USA
Home Page: My Resume
Referred From: HWS Alum Links
Comments: Jim - you've come along way from sextrk and adventure!
I still remember your "Barren room" extra point.
If you want to do some consulting for me (I'm doing some
HTML web pages for companies around orlando), email me.

Date: Saturday, August 17, 1996 at 00:42:07 (EDT)
Name: Andrew Hatton
Location: London, USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Scruff's World
Comments: I think this is one of the best pages I've ever come across
on the Internet - but it's crying out for active x, javascript,
vb script, a couple of quick time movies etc - if I give you my mumber will you design
my home page for me.

Date: Friday, August 16, 1996 at 13:47:34 (EDT)
Name: algernon kupsin
Location: greensborough, vic australia
Home Page: hard drive internet cafe
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: great website the best that i have seen.
Date: Friday, August 16, 1996 at 08:27:24 (EDT)
Name: aaron nobbe
Location: safety harbor, fl USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Sunday, August 11, 1996 at 06:39:13 (EDT)
Name: neil o'donnell
Location: sydney, nsw australia
Home Page:
Referred From: MONKEY
Comments: i'm very impressed and i think the word impressive best
describes your page. i'll be back for sure.
Date: Friday, August 09, 1996 at 16:16:23 (EDT)
Name: Max Hillier
Location: Los Angeles, CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: MONKEY
Comments: Defiinitely not worthy of the worst site!

Although the title bar thing needs a little retouching!

Good work!
Date: Friday, August 09, 1996 at 09:40:55 (EDT)
Name: pedro gomes
Location: vale de cambra, Portugal
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: parabŽns, palhao.
Date: Thursday, August 08, 1996 at 16:39:15 (EDT)
Name: Jake Kitchener
Location: Raleigh, NC USA
Home Page: What's Up Chief?
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: An interesting page, but don't you think it could use a little refinement? Maybe split it up into a few smaller pages by category. News, Weather, Random, General info. Something anything to make it ORGANIZED!!!!! Please note how I found out about your page.
Date: Thursday, August 08, 1996 at 13:46:12 (EDT)
Name: Rick Klevans
Location: Raleigh, NC USA
Home Page: Dr. Rick Klevans
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: My mom told me about it.

Date: Thursday, August 08, 1996 at 10:03:07 (EDT)
Name: Terry Hancock
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Hey,
I thought it was cool. My handle "Santa", I was born in
Chrismas Florida, so I don't take the "Nick" name lightly!
So do me a favor and tell the kids SANTA said "Hello".
Date: Thursday, August 08, 1996 at 00:20:26 (EDT)
Name: Miguel Almeida
Location: Porto, Portugal
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: i found it in cool links (netscape home page)
is Ant—nio Rold‹o Lopes portuguese?
Date: Wednesday, August 07, 1996 at 23:26:24 (EDT)
Name: Judith Klevans
Location: Elkton, MD USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I'll send Rick your http.
Date: Wednesday, August 07, 1996 at 22:02:42 (EDT)
Name: sian
Location: Brisbane, Qld Australia
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: well this is just sound like a great guy.just great.
Date: Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 03:23:05 (EDT)
Name: Pete
Location: Stoke-on-trent, staffs UK
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Lose the weird backdrop for a start

The search engines are pointless, anyone wishing to do a search will just use a search page
such as yahoo.

Finally if you get rid of the mac links the page would be pretty good
No-one uses macs these days, Mac will probably go bust soon
anyway (we hope) ha ha ha!
Date: Wednesday, July 24, 1996 at 06:19:22 (EDT)
Name: Kristine
Location: Oslo, oslo Norway
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Date: Tuesday, July 23, 1996 at 19:20:46 (EDT)
Name: George Zimmer
Location: dexter, ny USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: it ain't so bad!!!!!
Date: Tuesday, July 23, 1996 at 01:04:03 (EDT)
Name: dave brenner
Location: valhalla, ny USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Date: Monday, July 22, 1996 at 20:30:47 (EDT)
Name: Anne Aungier
Location: Greensburg, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Well done! How did you ever make Netscape's worst list?
Date: Sunday, July 21, 1996 at 18:43:49 (EDT)
Name: Mary Nichols
Location: Stockton, CA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: found on:

Worst web pages on the internet:
Date: Saturday, July 20, 1996 at 20:31:48 (EDT)
Name: Gary L
Location: Barstow, Ca USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I had fun! But what do I Know, keep up the GOOD work
Date: Thursday, July 18, 1996 at 10:49:47 (EDT)
Location: Indianapolis, IN USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
(an essay in which a nattering nabob of negativism says unpopular and
therefore untrue things about American foreign policy)
Date: Wednesday, July 17, 1996 at 23:53:40 (EDT)
Name: Erin Hastings
Location: Austin, TX USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I don't think this page is bad at all; I think it's kind of nutty, but not horrible. I mean, if you go for this kind of thing.
Date: Tuesday, July 16, 1996 at 11:37:05 (EDT)
Name: Ian Failing
Location: Wilmington, DE USA
Home Page: The Gateway (I think)
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Could you tell a sadly inefficient HTML writer how to make background pictures and sounds?
Date: Monday, July 15, 1996 at 18:21:58 (EDT)
Name: Mike DeLong
Location: Oklahoma City, OK USA
Home Page: Oklahoma State University - Oklahoma City
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Nice page!!!

Keep up the good work

Mike D.
Date: Monday, July 15, 1996 at 17:09:35 (EDT)
Name: theodore gras
Location: richmondville, ny USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: well Ihope you tell them in the hall of shame your listed
wrong ,I would not say your the worst page I had fun here keep up the good work
Date: Saturday, July 13, 1996 at 23:05:32 (EDT)
Name: Neil DeNunzio
Location: Elizabeth City, NC USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Saturday, July 13, 1996 at 21:18:58 (EDT)
Name: Carina Lindqvist
Location: NŠssjš, Sweden
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Saturday, July 13, 1996 at 08:59:02 (EDT)
Name: Drew Yoggy
Location: Florence, Tx USA
Home Page: Drews home page
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Job well done..!
Date: Saturday, July 13, 1996 at 00:07:37 (EDT)
Name: Paula Nunley
Location: Old Hickory, TN USA
E-Mail: RSN19@mail.IDT.NET
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Friday, July 12, 1996 at 18:13:51 (EDT)
Name: steve walsh`
Location: anderson, in USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Friday, July 12, 1996 at 17:13:37 (EDT)
Name: Louann Schad
Location: Long Beach, , CCcca USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Friday, July 12, 1996 at 12:38:48 (EDT)
Name: Wes Strait
Location: Ashland, KY USA
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: I hate this page! It is revolting! (Keep up the good work!)
By the way you have to many forms! (I like filling out forms!)
You have won the Award for "Best Site of the Day!" 7-11-96
Marathon Enterprises Inc.
Date: Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 11:40:32 (EDT)
Name: melanie leroux
Location: st-zotique, canada (quebec)
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Date: Wednesday, July 10, 1996 at 09:19:48 (EDT)
Name: Manabu Nakagawa
Location: Yokosuka, Kanagawa Japan
Home Page:
Referred From: Talker
Date: Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 23:57:44 (EDT)
Name: Claire Ueltschey
Location: Hattiesburg, MS USA
E-Mail: cmu at
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 23:21:18 (EDT)
Name: Glenn Burns
Location: pittsburgh, PA USA
Home Page:
Referred From: The Edge of Sanity
Comments: fairly impressive homepage there doc'. What, exactly, is it that you do in your free time?
Date: Monday, July 08, 1996 at 22:53:36 (EDT)
Name: Robin Holden
Location: Austin , Tx USA
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: I don't really see anything bad other than the mac stuff :),
keep up the good work!
Date: Sunday, July 07, 1996 at 20:54:20 (EDT)
Name: Bob Lima
Location: Daytona Beach, FL USA
Home Page: Daytona's 98Frog
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Great Page...was looking for Quicktime (PC) demos. Love the music.

Date: Saturday, July 06, 1996 at 18:11:39 (EDT)
Name: Bruce T. Amsbary
Location: Needham, MA USA
E-Mail: B.Amsbary@Rivers.Org
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I found your page from the Hobart Alumni Directory. I graduated from Hobart in 1974
Date: Friday, July 05, 1996 at 20:30:28 (EDT)
Name: Kirk Thomson
Location: London, On Canada
Home Page: don't have one yet :(
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Actually I saw you page under "What's Cool". I think you did a great
job with it.

Have a great independance day, while us poor shloops have to work.

Date: Thursday, July 04, 1996 at 23:31:24 (EDT)
Name: sandsm
Location: Brooklyn, ny USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: Actually, I think this is kinda fun. Had this been listed under the Best of the Net, I probably would have passed it by--that's the root-for-the-underdog complex, or seeing as you are a sort of shrink, you come up with the terminology. On the other hand, it may be the anti-mac bias striking again.
Date: Thursday, July 04, 1996 at 13:57:47 (EDT)
Name: Marty Hood
Location: Denver, CO USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I got to your page cause it was mentioned in "Worst of the Web Pages!
I thought it was very good, actually!
Date: Sunday, June 30, 1996 at 15:20:41 (EDT)
Name: Gerald
Location: Taylorsville, NC USA
Home Page:
Referred From: MONKEY
Date: Sunday, June 30, 1996 at 00:21:26 (EDT)
Name: Suzanne J Sharp
Location: USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Date: Saturday, June 29, 1996 at 16:10:24 (EDT)
Name: jim
Location: kansas city, ks USA
Home Page: jim's world
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I like it!
Date: Friday, June 28, 1996 at 23:08:47 (EDT)
Name: Joanne
Location: Cleveland, OH USA
Home Page:
Referred From: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Love the music and the einstein background
Date: Wednesday, June 26, 1996 at 11:03:54 (EDT)
Name: hank holland
Location: leiden, holland
Home Page:
Referred From: Hall of Shame
Comments: I quess there always will be people who will like your work,
and there always will be people who don't. Doesn't really
matter as long as you like to make it wothy to be yours.
It looks very great and it is technically well done !!
So be it. Good luck !!
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 1996 at 15:19:32 (EDT)
Name: Dave
Location: manhattan, ks USA
Home Page:
Referred From: MONKEY
Comments: Monkey speaks the truth.
Date: Tuesday, June 18, 1996 at 10:31:56 (EDT)
Name: Dave Cogswell
Date: Friday - 14/Jun/96 - 23:21:47
Homepage: http://
Referred from: Hall of Shame
Comments: Brutal loading time Jim. Nice page though. Just saying hi.

Name: Tom
Date: Tuesday - 11/Jun/96 - 7:37:57
Homepage: http://
Referred from: Hall of Shame
Comments: A realy worthy entry.
Very nice page. Didn't quite understand it, though.

Name: Gunnar Blix
Date: Friday - 7/Jun/96 - 14:14:47
Homepage: Gunnar Blix' home page
Referred from: Mitchell Parks Mmmmm?
Comments: Neat stuff, but where are those stock quotes you

Name: steph Greaves
Date: Friday - 7/Jun/96 - 5:12:52
Homepage: http://
Referred from: Hall of Shame
Comments: well it's abusy little page, do u mind being in the hall of shame?? *grin*

Name: rob
Date: Tuesday - 4/Jun/96 - 7:01:07
Homepage: http://
Referred from: Hall of Shame
Comments: proud to be a knucklehead jim! keep up the good work. will drop by again soon. seeya

Name: Rusty Smith
Date: Monday - 3/Jun/96 - 20:35:44
Homepage: none yet
Referred from: ViewMovie
Comments: wow!

Name: Brooke Collins
Date: Wednesday - 29/May/96 - 14:28:07
Homepage: http://
Referred from: Hall of Shame
Comments: I found this on the Hall of Shame, but I don't think it's that bad. It's very informative.

Name: n toma
Date: Tuesday - 28/May/96 - 13:29:46
Homepage: http://
Referred from: Hall of Shame
Comments: Don't be ashamed. I had some fun while I was here.
(Although, I can't believe Lycos Map-It doesn't even have
a listing for Cranberry Township. After all, we're only
20 miles from Pittsburgh and we have had our own postoffice
for over 2 years.

Date:Monday - 27/May/96 - 0:52:41
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Cool.
Who do you recommend I use to design a home page,
or how do I do it myself.
Name:Carter Fleming
Date:Sunday - 26/May/96 - 11:55:50
Homepage:Interactive Exercise
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Pretty nifty page. As another husband and father, I wonder where you find the time...
Name:cristina pulido
Date:Sunday - 26/May/96 - 8:56:56
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: aren«t you ashamed?
anyway you«re one of my bookmarks from now on
Name:Graham Donaldson
Date:Thursday - 23/May/96 - 4:37:39
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: yep they were right...sad page...well macintosh says it all really ;)
not that I have a proper web page myself but..well erm
it wont be that tacky when it is finished...
Name:Frank Skrtic
Date:Tuesday - 21/May/96 - 21:55:38
Homepage:Crazy Frank's Homepage
Referred from:MONKEY
Comments: Your page is sweet! Those idiots at The Geek of Week don't know what they are talking about. Keep up the good work.
Name:Wendy Koenig
Date:Sunday - 19/May/96 - 20:09:54
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: I don't think you deserved a Hall of Shame award, I like your page.
Date:Sunday - 19/May/96 - 8:16:52
Homepage:Don't have it fnished yet "Radishes"
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Know what's cool? Scroll fast, looks like Einstein toilet paper. But who would want him to lick your....
Name:Gordon McKemie
Date:Friday - 17/May/96 - 9:36:37
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: A very interesting amalgam of web link-to addresses. You are obviously an experienced surfer.
I am a relative beginner, and appreciate learning from wise men like you.
Name:Mark Schorse
Date:Friday - 17/May/96 - 9:19:53
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: I think you have a very nice home page!
Date:Sunday - 12/May/96 - 15:33:34
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Date:Saturday - 11/May/96 - 15:38:24
Homepage:Elysium Happy Hardcore Pages
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: Why the heck did they nominate this *amazing* page to the hall
of shame... honestly, this is a REALLY REALLY well done page.
Congrats Jim, you have terrific skill.
Name:damon oliver
Date:Friday - 10/May/96 - 11:24:07
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: hello, it's ironic that you're in pittsburgh, i work for
at&t handling commercial accounts and pittsburgh is part of
my territory.
Name:anat gobershtien
Date:Friday - 10/May/96 - 6:33:46
Referred from:Just Surfed On In

Name:Julio CŽsar Penagos Corzo
Date:Thursday - 9/May/96 - 6:17:22
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Very very good page. The best home page that I know.
Name:Barry Johnson
Date:Sunday - 5/May/96 - 4:07:54
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: "Hall of Shame" is wrong!
I think your webpage is great!
It looks like it took a lot of work
(learning how to get to all the links and
making all those Mbs download reasonably "fast.")
It also sends many clues about
what is importnat to you and
who you want to be perceivd as.
Can you tell me how to set up some of the same links
(in an e-mail that isn't too long)?
Name:Flavio Matangrano
Date:Thursday - 2/May/96 - 0:18:59
Homepage:Matangra Imagem Digital
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: I don't know why are you on hall of shame ?
Date:Wednesday - 1/May/96 - 16:44:49
Referred from:Hall of Shame
P.O. BOX 3024
Name:Sean Aschen
Date:Monday - 29/Apr/96 - 21:27:01
Homepage:WasteCann's Finest
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: You must have a black and white macintosh. The colors are grotesque.
Actually.. It figures.

Date:Thursday - 25/Apr/96 - 21:16:25
Homepage:Photoguy's Place on the 'Net
Referred from:Talker
Comments: LOVE IT.
Name:Reg Miller
Date:Thursday - 25/Apr/96 - 18:27:20
Homepage:father asked me if his youth kids could use my yard for practice.
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: now, is the picture of the guy in the tie you,
or is the picture(s) of the guy sticking out his
tounge you? i'm confussed. also, don't visit my
home page yet, i'm still working out the legal
details involving some poetry i'd like to have on
it. ummm... i'll talk to you later.

Name:Gabe Anderson
Date:Wednesday - 24/Apr/96 - 0:33:35
Homepage:The Gabe Zone!!!
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Great page Jim! I love all the Mac stuff, of course! Keep up the fantastic work!
Name:John Fortier
Date:Sunday - 21/Apr/96 - 6:58:00
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Really enjoyed your site because it gave me a chance to try out several Netscape Plug-ins at one site. You have really put in a lot of work on this!!
Name:Gene Sheiman
Date:Friday - 19/Apr/96 - 20:27:11
Referred from:Gordo's Hole
Comments: The Best Page on the net :)
Name:John Price
Date:Friday - 19/Apr/96 - 13:59:32
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: It don't look so bad to me.
Name:Athena Klock
Date:Friday - 19/Apr/96 - 13:31:23
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: Did you use visual basic to create this web page?

Name:giacomo & max - italy
Date:Wednesday - 17/Apr/96 - 3:13:52
Homepage:virtual emotions ITALY
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello Jim,
our friend and graphic mr.Consalvo Vito have suggered us your Home Page.
Very compliments for your Home Page.
In the future we contact you for a good piece of advice.
Escuse us for bad english
Bye Giacomo e Massimo
Date:Monday - 15/Apr/96 - 17:30:48
Homepage:Highlander's Homepage
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: What are you called on Talker? I may have talked to you.
Name:Rutger Slager
Date:Monday - 15/Apr/96 - 13:58:18
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: Great Page!
Name:Len Rapoport
Date:Monday - 15/Apr/96 - 9:30:09
Homepage:MTI Group
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Now Jim, although Netscape might vote your page one of the worst, I think it is just what I wanted to do to my "The Future is Now page".
I am a one man marketing/graphic consulting company getting
into web site design. This is my first effort.
I have a young Yale University student
writing the HTML for me and I did the copy,
photos, graphics, etc.
I want my "Page of The Future" to demonstrate
my abilities in corporate communications, to incluode: Newsletters, web site development, and multi-media.
How would you like to help us out?
Maybe we can work a trade in time and effort.
My Yale associate is not as familiar as you seem to be
with all the little toys and gadgets available for
Hope to hear from you soon,
Name:Edward Linton
Date:Monday - 15/Apr/96 - 1:43:49
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: I am impressed
Name:John Howell
Date:Sunday - 14/Apr/96 - 18:44:55
Referred from:Talker
Comments: This is the best private-citizen HP that I have seen. Very entertaining, esp. since I am into Jazz.
Made on a Mac---Of Course!
Name:Andrea Senchyna
Date:Sunday - 14/Apr/96 - 14:23:22
Homepage:(Working on it)
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: Actually, this page isn't so bad. It's cute. It's kinda busy, but it's got alot of stuff I can use...
Date:Sunday - 14/Apr/96 - 1:50:25
Referred from:News Groups
Comments: appears to be promising
Name:Simeon Nichter
Date:Saturday - 13/Apr/96 - 17:57:17
Homepage:Simeon's Home Page
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: actually there are some good points. the organization just isn't there!
Name:Martin Carroll
Date:Thursday - 11/Apr/96 - 13:28:25
Homepage:Tindle News On-Line
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Well done!
Name:John Moore
Date:Wednesday - 10/Apr/96 - 23:24:00
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Fantastic page! How much of it did you do yourself?
Name:Lord Jacmick
Date:Wednesday - 10/Apr/96 - 21:26:03
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: It's not that bad. I like the Einstein background.
Name:Jakob E. Borch
Date:Tuesday - 9/Apr/96 - 13:23:35
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: I'm very impressed. I like the animations though I didn't find any talking.

Wonderfull too see a mac-page like this.
Date:Sunday - 7/Apr/96 - 21:42:41
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: Are you really a Doctor?

Just wondering.
Date:Sunday - 7/Apr/96 - 20:49:41
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: You have an excellent page, full of information and links to
other very interesting sites.
We are looking forward to informing you of our activities
and our own net page in the very near future.
Keep up the good work!
RAE (The Affirmative Group Pty Ltd)
Name:Adam McLaughlin or
Date:Sunday - 7/Apr/96 - 19:25:52
Homepage:sEpToR iX's WaCkEd Up WeB sIte!!
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: how did you get the clock at the top of your page?? I would like to put that in mine if I could!! please tell me how!!
Name:Patrick Wright
Date:Sunday - 7/Apr/96 - 14:54:29
Homepage:Loudon County GlobalLink
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Great job. As a fellow parent you must be
interested in the uses of the internet and
web pages as vehicles for educating our kids.
As a public school teacher (K-8) Science and
computers. I am interested in using the same tools
and skills that you exhibit here to create learning
environments. Would you be interested in helping so
7th and 8th graders create pages like yours?

Pat Wright
Name:william grueschow
Date:Sunday - 7/Apr/96 - 13:44:46
Homepage:tilac satellite
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: the most proffesional page i have seen in a long time

bill ottawa canada
Name:Hartvig Ingolfsson
Date:Sunday - 7/Apr/96 - 10:26:00
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: No comments!
Name:Tim Allen
Date:Sunday - 7/Apr/96 - 7:45:49
Homepage:Atlantic Connect
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: The Hall of Shame was right!! You did crowd in just about everything possible. Congratulations on the Honour bestowed upon you!!

Name:Tim Anderson
Date:Saturday - 6/Apr/96 - 15:27:49
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: Hall of Shame is right. This is pretty bad stuff. No offense.
Name:Alice Wonders
Date:Friday - 5/Apr/96 - 7:46:50
Homepage:http://Still working!
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: How did you do it? Really impressed! You get a gold star! Thanks...
Name:Alexis Brown
Date:Thursday - 4/Apr/96 - 13:37:39
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: I loved your home page....excellent imagination
Name:Alex Vaught
Date:Wednesday - 3/Apr/96 - 18:02:42
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Well JIm:
I dont have an Email Address nor a Hompage yet.
I just want to say that you have a nice place to visit.

Name:W. R. Hardin
Date:Wednesday - 3/Apr/96 - 9:33:47
Homepage:Miniature Aircraft Society of Haywood
Referred from:Talker
Comments: The best. Hope to learn how you do it all.
Date:Wednesday - 3/Apr/96 - 4:23:44
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: I think your page is most creative and like the music as well.
Regards from sunny Queensland Australia.
Name:Glenn Osako
Date:Tuesday - 2/Apr/96 - 23:08:07
Homepage:Glenn Osako's Home Page
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Just wanted to say: Cool Web Site!
Name:Ali Jurist
Date:Monday - 1/Apr/96 - 21:46:40
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: I was set up and sent here by Computer Larry, a Macintosh ACE.

I am very impressed. I have never seen anything like this on the Internet before.
I liked the music. My first words were "Can I do this too?"

Probably not right away.


P.S. The stooges are now my Desktop Pattern.
Name:Gord Wright
Date:Sunday - 31/Mar/96 - 11:55:13
Homepage:Wrights' Home Page
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Jim

Not sure if my last email got through as I appear to have crashed the page.

Have everything working now including Macromedia. Thanks for the links and a great home page.


Name:Win Logan
Date:Sunday - 31/Mar/96 - 11:28:10
Homepage:none (who can compete with yours)
Referred from:The Edge of Sanity
Comments: Thanks, your amazing homepage has changed my whole outlook
today. I can't tell you how much fun this is
Name:Lynne Good
Date:Sunday - 31/Mar/96 - 6:33:10
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: You obviously had a lot of fun
putting this very interesting
site together! I work in
the mental health field also,
so I appreciate fun.
Name:Jeff Jensen
Email:Da Man
Date:Saturday - 30/Mar/96 - 19:35:22
Referred from:Talker
Comments: I enjoy you web page a lot and can see all the work you have
put into it. But I also sit and sit wating for it to load!
I connect at 14,400 baud and it takes your page about 15 or 20
min. to load. I think thats a little bit too long! I love your
page but I think you need to see about getting a new sever for
it or something.

Date:Saturday - 30/Mar/96 - 18:55:04
Homepage:Ben's HomePage
Referred from:Web-Counter Top 10 Lists
Comments: Your Homepage is great but takes toooooooo long to load.
Name:kris (that«s it)
Date:Saturday - 30/Mar/96 - 9:27:25
Homepage:X1TREEM«s Homepage (at the moment)
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: this page isn«t finished, yet.
Name:Yasuo Sawada
Date:Saturday - 30/Mar/96 - 4:41:37
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Nice Music.Did you programmed these perfect files? Unfortunately(this spell is right?),my Macintosh showed me a Error alert of Shockwave.
I'm sorry to say that I'm Japanese so I can't send you good report.I can only say your home page gave me a good time.
Name:Bob LoGreco
Date:Saturday - 30/Mar/96 - 4:38:08
Homepage: (none)
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: Those humorless dweebs at the Hall of Shame just don't get it! But, of couse, I work at the state mental hospital near you (which might say a lot about me and WHY I got it!). Thanks for sharing.
Name:Steve Pritchard
Date:Saturday - 30/Mar/96 - 3:06:34
Referred from:The Edge of Sanity
Comments: I am well impressed mate...

Steve GB
Name:Ed Thomas
Date:Friday - 29/Mar/96 - 15:09:22
Homepage:Affirmations Say Something Positive To Yourself! Everyday!
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: I love it! "Get that mouse off my face" I haven't figuered out how to do it yet,
but I know I want !. The background music and I'm working on the Viewmovie now.

Thanks for the possibilities. Please email the resource for the music when you have the time.
Name:Brandon Zylstra
Date:Friday - 29/Mar/96 - 14:58:12
Homepage:Brandon's (There's No Place Like) Homepage.
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: I'm not sure why you earned a spot in the Hall of Shame,
except that your page seems to have every imaginable thing
packed into it. have you thought of distributing stuff
around to other linked pages. (it took for*ever* to load
your page, and this wouldn't be such a problem if things
were distributed.)
Name:Brandon Crotty
Date:Friday - 29/Mar/96 - 10:09:20
Homepage:new world communications
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: Shame on them buddy. You're having fun and that's what counts.
Check out my site when it's up in about a week

Name:Chrissie Myers
Date:Friday - 29/Mar/96 - 9:28:17
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: How did you do all this??? By the way, how do you make a home page to begin with? I don't know.

Date:Friday - 29/Mar/96 - 1:38:31
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello,
From California
Name:Salvatore Palm
Date:Thursday - 28/Mar/96 - 23:41:15
Homepage:Home Page Salvatore Palmulli
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Jim, beautiful your new guest book.
Have you check my page again?
Tell me.

Date:Thursday - 28/Mar/96 - 23:24:38
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: Update your sky chart. How are things in Pittsburg? You should really try Phoenix in the winter. No, forget I said that. Later...
Name:Don Lefeber
Date:Thursday - 28/Mar/96 - 21:17:05
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Your page is really neat and creative!
Name:Scot Nicholls
Date:Thursday - 28/Mar/96 - 17:22:25
Homepage:Nicholls Construction
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Friends working at Apple here in Cupertino pointed me here. Yes-
Apple knows about you! Great site. Some day when I have alot of time
I intend to study your source code, You deserve a doctorate in HTML.
Nice Job.
:-) Scot
Name:graham rigby
Date:Thursday - 28/Mar/96 - 12:18:24
Homepage:The Big Unit's Homepage
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: great page..., how'bout some ibm links big guy?

you da man.

Name:Ernie Tan
Date:Thursday - 28/Mar/96 - 12:02:48
Homepage:I'm God
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: You want a job at Ernst & Young?
Date:Thursday - 28/Mar/96 - 9:57:46
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: I agree with Ryan ... SPLIT IT UP
what a clutter
Name:Ryan Siller
Date:Thursday - 28/Mar/96 - 3:43:37
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: Damn!!! This page took a LONG time to load. I thought I was wasting my 14.4 time, but this place is AMAZING! What is this? An attempt at using ALL of the available plug ins for Netscape?!? VERY COOL! Even got all the great search engines, Macworld, Macuser, Macweek. Yup, Sir, you ARE a WebMASTER, I am very impressed. If you work in phychiatry, when did you get the time to learn how to DO this? I work on my system here full time, and I wouldn't have dreamed THIS up. Though, knowing what you do, I think you set up this page with the knowledge of how people expect to see something, like a well laid out page. A very comferting sort of place, complete with all the trimmings. If only the big companies could do so well. Sorry for being long winded, I usually don't even respond to these things, but I felt this page really deserved notice. I'll be back!!!
Name:Osborne Bell iii
Date:Thursday - 28/Mar/96 - 3:13:24
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: I think its a bit cruel to have put you in the hall of shame
your homepage dosen't seem all that bad to me.
Maybe its lucky because if you weren't on it then I would
probably never have found it.
(no such tihng as bad publicity eh)
Name:Jay Hutchens
Date:Thursday - 28/Mar/96 - 0:13:13
Homepage:Jay and Laura Hutchens' homepage
Referred from:Talker
Comments: HOW do you keep people from copying your picture? I would love
to have the Java Script or be pointed in the direction where
I could find it!


Jay Hutchens
Date:Wednesday - 27/Mar/96 - 21:30:10
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: it takes too long to load. I like the weather item, and the nice comments about your family
Name:Tom Brown
Date:Wednesday - 27/Mar/96 - 17:08:07
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Wow!! That is one impressive homepage! I love the music,
the talking, the frames, the scripts.... neat!!
Name:Jason Beach
Date:Wednesday - 27/Mar/96 - 7:17:22
Homepage:Jason's Website
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Hey! Really neat site, Mr. Jacobson. Keep up the great work!
Date:Wednesday - 27/Mar/96 - 6:53:05
Homepage:Which homepage?
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: I might type a few lines as well since I already spend my
precious time on such useless things like investigating the
HALL OF SHAME. Well, you really did a tremendous job on
choosing the least appropiate colors for your homepage.
BTW: Your face looks a little bit like that of Prince
Charles, but don`t feel offended.
Furthermore I don`t have any use for the US weatherforecast,
it looks neat, though (in fact the neatest place on your

Name:Ian McCrone
Date:Tuesday - 26/Mar/96 - 21:09:57
Homepage:IanMac's Home Page
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: All I can really say is, wow. You did a splendiferous
job on this. MACS RULE!!! I am tres impressed. I can't wait until
someday I'm no longer a student, in my proffession, and just
might have the time and money to bring mine to an acceptable
standard. Sir, you have inspired me. :)
Keep up the good work.
Name:Harvey Borton
Date:Tuesday - 26/Mar/96 - 20:56:38
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: Nice webpage!
Name:Bryan Walls
Date:Tuesday - 26/Mar/96 - 8:53:03
Homepage:Bryan Walls' Homepage
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Actually, I saw mention of your page on the HTML Writers' Guild
mailing list...
Name:robert ouellette
Email:i don't know
Date:Tuesday - 26/Mar/96 - 3:45:24
Homepage:don't have one
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: very very interesting of course it is 4:48 in the morning
Date:Monday - 25/Mar/96 - 23:29:14
Homepage:The Page Of Adam
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: great stuff here
I think the best I've seen
It was much better than "Cats" I'll see it again and again...
Name:John Higgins
Date:Monday - 25/Mar/96 - 19:49:47
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Great Page! Great Links!

Many Thanks,

John Higgins
Name:Geoff Brown
Date:Monday - 25/Mar/96 - 15:29:06
Homepage:The Edge of Sanity
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: Jim, your page is way too cool... I added a link to it under
my "Cool Pages" list... Great job!!!

Name:Gideon Marken
Date:Monday - 25/Mar/96 - 0:08:39
Homepage:Harmonic Designs | | | Gideon Marken
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: In the source of you site you had the following:

meta name="description" content="xxxxxx"> will search engings which use spiders like Web Crawler pick up and read these keywords - Or why are you puting this info in your source?

Interesting site - looks like you are enjoying yourself - glad to see you use a MAC!!

Gideon Marken
Name:jon madison
Date:Sunday - 24/Mar/96 - 21:02:36
Homepage:jon madison
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: oh my...i can't resize that middle frame at all...i see half
of something that i probably should see...i think that's
a counter up there above your picture, but i can only
see half of it & can't resize.

maybe you kind of went overboard?

Name:Scott Burrows
Date:Sunday - 24/Mar/96 - 20:18:59
Homepage:Scott's home page
Referred from:Hall of Shame
Comments: That thing with the face is the most annoying thing I have ever seen on any web page.
Date:Sunday - 24/Mar/96 - 14:37:53
Homepage:image collision
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: I followed a link from
where youe page is listed as an example of "A living monument
to bad homepage design." and "Truly a masterpiece"
While your sight is very ugly to me, I also find it strangely
Name:David Martin
Date:Sunday - 24/Mar/96 - 13:06:33
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: Do you have enough stuff on this page? :-)
Date:Saturday - 23/Mar/96 - 17:24:02
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi
Name:Gustav K Gustavsson
Date:Friday - 22/Mar/96 - 17:50:12
Homepage:Heimasida Gustavs
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Well I definitely bookmarked your page. And will for sure be
back to have another look at it when I have more time.
Will probable 'steal' some ideas of your page to use on my
aging dull page when I have the time to improve it.

Thank you

Name:Antonio Tuzzi
Date:Thursday - 21/Mar/96 - 7:04:43
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Crazy, crazy page.

Complimenti e ciao da Antonio
Name:Steve Kirchner
Date:Wednesday - 20/Mar/96 - 19:45:23
Homepage:National Motorcoach Network (business)
Referred from:Talker
Comments: I love your page. It's great. I even brought my wife in to see it, and she thinks I nuts to be sitting at a computer talking about a page. Until she saw your Golden Retriever. We have a 13-year old guy,
and you can see him at my daughter's home page,

take care.

Name:David C Hay
Date:Wednesday - 20/Mar/96 - 19:42:14
Homepage:David C Hay Design
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: Your Mac links are useful.
I grabbed them all, thanks for adding
Name:Tim French
Date:Tuesday - 19/Mar/96 - 23:03:05
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Great page! Pitty my mac runs way out of memory loading all the midi's and talking and using shockwave as well. I only have 8MB of ram after all. You have made great use of all the things on the mac and Netscape 2.01. Can you add any thing else at all? There isn't much else you can do is there?


Name:Andrew D'Cruz
Date:Tuesday - 19/Mar/96 - 16:52:27
Referred from:Talker
Comments: You have the most awesome, amazing, and incredible page I
Have ever seen. From the multilayered atmosphere, the
talking, the music, the title, the news, I could go on
forever. Thanks for this wonderful page.

Name:Yoram Ariel
Date:Tuesday - 19/Mar/96 - 9:15:48
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Jim,
Thank you for creating such a fine web page.
You are an inspiration to us all.
Yoram Ariel - Pixel Multimedia
Date:Monday - 18/Mar/96 - 10:26:40
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Best Home Page on the Net! :-)
Name:Robert Harris
Date:Sunday - 17/Mar/96 - 22:52:18
Homepage:The Angel's Nest
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: Now I have a Home-Page Idol. Very impressive.
Name:Jason H. York
Date:Sunday - 17/Mar/96 - 14:30:40
Homepage:Hilohah's Home Cloud
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Very impressive page!
Name:Meshulam Rosenblat
Date:Sunday - 17/Mar/96 - 13:39:38
Homepage:Crown Heights Shmirah
Referred from:Talker
Comments: nice page how do you do some of the things
Date:Sunday - 17/Mar/96 - 2:52:20
Homepage:The Scruff Page - Finding all "Scruffs" on the Web.
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: Wow! You are one plugged-in-script- writin'-software-using-no-time-for-you-honey-gotta-work-on-my-homepage-kinda-dude!
You have done a very nice job here!
Name:Greg Hartwig
Date:Sunday - 17/Mar/96 - 0:50:35
Homepage:Greg Hartwig Web
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: Wow, you sure don't let any grass grow under your feet.
I think you're using about every Netscape feature and about
every Mac plug-in that I've found! Took a while to load
even at 28.8 but pretty cool. Right now, I'm just
overwhelmed... Listening to the MIDI QTs right now. Man.
--Greg H.
Name:Gabriel M. Aguirre
Date:Saturday - 16/Mar/96 - 8:51:21
Homepage:Gabe's Home Page
Referred from:Talker
Comments: An excellent page!! Your page is the most sophisticated I've
seen yet. Although I do have to let you know that it's just
too much to load at once (even for my 57k baud connection).

Maybe you'd like to walk people through different sections instead
of just throwing everything in at once?

Name:Seth Fisher
Date:Saturday - 16/Mar/96 - 6:07:16
Referred from:Talker
Comments: Everthing I've learned about the Net, is by seeing how others
have done it. I've probably learned the most at your site.


Name:Jamie K. Chang
Date:Friday - 15/Mar/96 - 22:13:24
Homepage:Jamie's Little Home Page on the Web
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: Your page is too big. It references too many far flung sites at the front door. It took me about ten minutes to completely load your page. It's got a lot of neat stuff that I suggest that you keep, just don't put it all together in one place!
Name:Richard H Beach, RPh
Date:Friday - 15/Mar/96 - 19:41:11
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: "Like, Most Way-Cool" Homepage Jim!!! Great sense of humor!
How long has this taken you to compile? Keep up the great work!

Rich Beach on the beach (Penascola Beach -that is...)
Name:Avi Schwab
Date:Thursday - 14/Mar/96 - 18:57:12
Homepage:none yet but soon
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: Nice page! But isn't it a bit of an overkill!!!!!!
Name:Scott Shorter
Date:Wednesday - 13/Mar/96 - 4:47:12
Homepage:hold on
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: Get out of my face
Name:Arif Shaikh
Date:Tuesday - 12/Mar/96 - 20:30:54
Homepage:Not yet: coming soon...
Referred from:Just Surfed On In
Comments: I have to say, its been interesting...
Actually, I love it... Nice a flashy...
Great for displaying the "Power to be your best..." attitude.
Great for showing of some of Apple's and Netscape technologies.

Will tell many friends about this site...
Like the midi tracks... I almost feel like a walked into a casino.

Name:Jesse Shanks
Date:Tuesday - 12/Mar/96 - 10:25:21
Homepage:Blank Rebel Productions
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: WOW!
Name:Douglas Armour
Date:Sunday - 10/Mar/96 - 20:10:30
Referred from:ViewMovie
Comments: As if Einstein wasn't enough, your Three Stooges made me smile. Thanks.