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just say no Knight's first print advertisement - Barrons

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Countdown to Earnings

Slides (Part A) from the March 5, 2001 Knight Analyst & Institutional Investor Meeting (32 slides).

Slides (Part B) from the March 5, 2001 Knight Analyst & Institutional Investor Meeting (67 slides).

Visitors to the site over the last 4 weeks (refreshed daily).

Slides from the May 16, 2001 Knight Trading Group Annual Meeting (27 slides).

Bye bye to John G. Hewitt And David Shpilberg as NITE sinks to a two year low.

Watch Peter Hajas dance - Knight Trading Group's former President and Chief Operating Officer.

Say Goodbye to Tony Sanfilippo as Knight's former President and Chief Operating Officer, as well as former Interim Chief Executive Officer.

Tom Joyce hired as CEO and President, ending a five-month search for a permanent replacement.

Charlotte Chamberlain, a Jefferies & Company analyst, says NITE should be avoided like the plague.

Montage of various Knight employees enjoying themselves.

George W. Bush 4 More Years!

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