[an error occurred while processing this directive] Knight Trading Group Karaoke

Knight Trading Group Karaoke

(Quicktime required to view the lyrics)

Sing the "Ballad of the Knight Trimark" (Fighting traders from the pits, Fearless men who type and sit...) right from the web page, or download the karaoke movie to your computer: ballad.mov.sit [Mac, 8k], ballad.mov.zip [Win, 9k].

Sing "NITE Train" (Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Keep those traders rollin'...) right from the web page, or download the karaoke movie to your computer: nitetrain.mov.sit [Mac, 7k], nitetrain.mov.zip [Win, 7k].

Sing "That's Knight Trading" (When a stock hits your eye like a big pizza pie...) right from the web page, or download the karaoke movie to your computer: ThatsKnightTrading.mov.sit [Mac, 16k], ThatsKnightTrading.mov.zip [Win, 18k].

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